Cantor Against Flag-Burning

Eric Cantor, who represents the 7th District, has introduced a bill to the House that would amend the Constitution to make it illegal to harm the U.S. flag. Concidentally, public radio commentator (and my mother) Janis Jaquith recently wrote an essay on this very topic. WINA has the story.

3 Responses to “Cantor Against Flag-Burning”

  • Waldo says:

    I really wanted to make that headline “Cantor Against Free Speech,” but that would be a little much on the editorializing front, I guess.


  • georgeloper says:

    I don’t know how Eric Cantor’s amendment reads, but in sentiment it would appear that he is right in line with the 2001 Republican and Democratic candidates for Governor of Virginia who both support a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning (AP-Richmond, The Daily Progress, July 4, 2001).

    For more on flag-burning amendments, see Flag Day/June 14th at

  • Waldo says:

    Yup, there it is on your site:

    On the other hand, Republican Mark Earley and Democrat Mark Warner, both candidates for governor in Virginia in 2001, support a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning (AP-Richmond, The Daily Progress, July 4, 2001).

    So now who am I supposed to vote for? The lesser of the two evils, I suppose. I thought Warner was a smarter guy than that. My mistake.


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