Monthly Archive for June, 2001

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Broadslate Gets $60M

Locally-based high-speed ‘net access company Broadslate Networks has just gotten $60M in funding from venture capital firms. Local backers include Court Square Ventures and Tall Oaks Capital. Given the downtown in Internet-related venture funding in Charlottesville right now, this is an unusually large sum. Broadslate owns a 1,700 mile fiber ring that spans eight surrounding states. Reed Williams has the story in today’s Progress.

Foxfield “A Disaster”

County Supervisor Charlotte Humphris (who recently announced her retirement) has described the spring Foxfield “a disaster,” logistically-speaking. The twice-annual horse races are a popular gathering spot for University students, inevitably resulting in a lot of drinking and disorderly conduct. This may be a first step towards making some changes to the event. WINA has the story.

Humphris Retiring as Supervisor

County Supervisor Charlotte Humphris has decided not to run for relection for her position. She has represented the Jack Jouett district for nearly twelve years. She’s endorsed Dennis Rooker as her replacement; he’s a local attorney, and the chairman of the Albemarle Planning Commission. The story is from WINA.

Virginia History On-Line

The Library of Virginia has digitized much of the contents of the Virginia Historical Inventory, a catalog of maps, photos, and records prior to 1860. The information was gathered in the 30s as part of the Virginia Historical Inventory Project, and is now on-line thanks to a $270,000 grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation. You can just run a search and then get lost, clicking from map to photo to textual records of buildings and ferries. WINA has the story.

WVIR Adds News to Website

WVIR (NBC 29) has finally returned to running local news stories on their website. Looking at the URLs for the stories, it looks like they may even archive their stories, unlike C-Ville Weekly and the Daily Progress, who delete their articles after each new issue comes out. Weirdly, WVIR has set up the site so that if you click anywhere but on the window, it will automatically close. (See “Break-in Rash” as an example.) Anyhow, they get points for effort. Once they get rid of that auto-close thing, we’ll start linking to their news.

06/06/01, 11:25am: As a post-note, the URL of “Break-in Rash” keeps changing. So it might be archived, but the moving target will make it hard to link to things. Oh, well.
