Foxfield on Saturday

The Foxfield Races are next Saturday out towards Free Union. Admission is $20, parking is $15. A tip for you UVa students: Don’t miss out on the horses. They’re the big furry animals running in circles.

This story was updated 04/19/01 at 1:49pm. It originally indicated that Foxfield was “this Saturday” instead of “next Saturday.”

7 Responses to “Foxfield on Saturday”

  • rkwright says:

    Foxfield is next Saturday (4/28), not this Saturday (4/21). This should be clarified.

  • Waldo says:

    Ah, thank you. I had my dates mixed up. I corrected it, and added a note to indicate that it had been corrected. Sorry about that.


  • Anonymous says:

    Hi rob.


    your secret admirer two cubes back.

  • Anonymous says:

    foxfield sucks. I don’t know why I keep going. I should just drink and eat a bunch at home and then be able to pass out without having to drive home first. I got yelled at last year for throwing a football around at foxfield. They said I might hurt someone.

    See you there saturday!

  • Anonymous says:

    I wish they’d just stop having the races at Foxfield. Years ago, it was nice. Then the UVa students discovered it and it turned into another worthless, drunken brawl. They can stay at home and do that.

    Having lived in Free Union, I can tell you that most of the people who come to it have absolutely no respect for the community that hosts them. Besides a complete inability to get home through all the traffic, the route between Foxfield and UVa is completely littered with trash that the students couldn’t be bothered to put in a trash can.

    Dealing with the traffic was worthwhile when Foxfield was something people could take their kids to and make a day out of. But I see no reason why local residents should go through all that trouble just so a bunch of spoiled brats from Northern Virginia can trash the place, vomit everywhere and ruin the whole thing for everybody else.

    No offense automatically intended to the many students reading this site. Just imagine how you’d feel if I drove to your parents backyard with 3,000 of my closest friends, left broken beer bottles and cups everywhere, started a fight with your little sister, puked on your Mom’s front porch and left without so much as a thank-you.

  • Anonymous says:

    No offense automatically intended to the many students reading this site. Just imagine how you’d feel if I drove to your parents backyard with 3,000 of my closest friends, left broken beer bottles and cups everywhere, started a fight with your little sister, puked on your Mom’s front porch and left without so much as a thank-you.

    thank you.

  • Anonymous says:

    Never have I ever had such a miserable customer experience in my life….a protracted comedy of inept employees, a nonexistent distribution mechanism, and some of the most insidiously lazy managers I have EVER encountered. I have been to Foxfield Races almost every year for the past 8 years, and I have always had a great time. But nothing, nothing but a WHOLE lot of liquor, will rid me of the lingering affects of the worst ticketing experience in my young life. Foxfield Races management would do well to use another vendor next year. Elementary school children selling door to door would be a more viable option!

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