Kiplinger’s Rates C’ville #4

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance has ranked the best cities in the country to live in and, damn it all, we’re number four. We’re behind Huntsville, Albuquerque, and Washington D.C., and just ahead of Athens, Olympia, Madison, and Austin. (Kiplinger’s apparently has a soft spot for liberal college towns.) It was in 2004 that Frommer’s rated Charlottesville’s the top city to live in, which put Our Fair City in the spotlight and led legions of people to move here from New Jersey, driving up the cost of housing. Then, in 2007, Frommer’s dropped us to #17…because of the high cost of housing. So remember, if anybody asks, Charlottesville’s cost of living, housing shortage, skyrocketing unemployment rate, terrible schools, gang violence, and industrial waste problems all make it an awful place to live. Thanks to SBE for the tip.

25 Responses to “Kiplinger’s Rates C’ville #4”

  • Chad Day says:

    I highly disagree with the Washington D.C. ranking. That is stunning they are #3.

  • danpri says:

    Also, discussion of litigious chicken farmers are sure to require discussion on one negative in Cville.

  • Gman says:

    let us not forget our 9 story Tyvek monument to the credit crisis.

  • Victoria says:

    Oh hell, there goes the neighborhood… again. Does anyone even read Kiplinger’s? *crosses fingers*

  • Doctor Christian says:

    What can they possibly be calculating by automation that would rank DC anywhere near Cville? One more sign civilization has collapsed for lack of brain.

  • IamDaMan says:

    I just moved from Cville to Austin. I would have to say Austin should be a little higher.

  • Steve says:

    Kiplinger’s list is a list cities to stay away from.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Not that I think these lists mean diddly-but what is it about Huntsville,Alabama that made it #1?

  • Final Frontier... says:


    Space Camp of course:

  • Hell yeah, Space Camp.

  • Sean McCord says:

    My sister in Albuquerque wins again!

  • Reader says:

    Don’t miss the comments that come after the Cville part of the article. There are some comments after the intro, but the comments after the description tell Kiplinger’s a thing or two.

  • Sean McCord says:

    I heard this mentioned on WVTF this morning, but the announced mangled the name. I swore she said “Hitler magazine”. I’m glad to have this correction.

  • DandyTiger says:

    Wow, those comments on the site were rough. Especially from Beth. But she’s right. Great place if you can afford it. Ooooh, space camp. Maybe we could have a biotech camp. (tongue in cheek)

  • va displaced says:

    Don’t you think that casting aspersions (jsut can’t stop using that word!) on the places ranked ahead to Cville automatically casts doubt on Cville’s ranking as well?

    Sounds to me like the whole thing is a wash. But after having lived in or spent amounts of time in all of the top 4, I’d give Albuquerque the nod. Personally. But Madison kicks ass, too.

  • Will M. says:

    I’m with Chad, I find it incomprehensible that DC would rank highly on such a list.

  • Patience says:

    The last comment on the Kiplinger article is pretty mean. I’m from upstate New York originally so maybe I shouldn’t say anything, but it’s rude for newcomers to gloat about how much fun it is to displace the natives.

  • Sean McCord says:

    My sister, who art in Albuquerque, writes:

    i wouldn’t put too much stock in ABQ being a good place to live — like the whole state, it is a den of thieves. and i’m serious.

    Oh, okay, that’s good to know.

  • JoshC says:

    @Patience: “it’s rude for newcomers to gloat about how much fun it is to displace the natives.”

    That’s what makes them Yankees.

  • Bob Livingston says:

    If you bothered to understand Kiplinger’s formula, it all makes sense. They looked for places with high-paying professional jobs that are weathering the recession well — not great, but well. That’s Charlottesville, Huntsville, D.C., etc. Get. A. Clue.

  • Gail says:

    Let’s see: Inadequate water storage for times of drought-no short term solution in sight, high speed bump on down town mall, really weird revenue sharing agreement with surrounding county- sure to lead to difficult politics someday maybe, interesting traffic when undergrads mix with retirement folks on roads…There must be more to complain about??

  • Voice of Doom says:

    Bob’s right. This was not a quality of life rating. It’s where will jobs continue to be despite and after a recession.

  • SolidarityForever says:

    Right to work state. Nuff said.

  • Will M. says:

    I knew that was part of the equation, Bob, but if I’m to believe that’s the primary factor in their calculation, then I cease to understand why Charlottesville is on that list instead of a hundred other cities with better-faring professional populations. Charlottesville isn’t doing terribly, but there are far more than three cities weathering the recession better than it by the standard you claim.

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