DMB Promotes Ice Cream and the Environment

writes: Dave Matthews teams up with Vermont Ice Cream Company Ben and Jerry’s in a campaign against Global Warming. Check out

16 Responses to “DMB Promotes Ice Cream and the Environment”

  • will says:

    …they donate a staggering 50% of their royalties…

    Who, DMB or Ben and Jerry’s?

  • Waldo says:

    Who, DMB or Ben and Jerry’s?

    Err…sorry about that. I’m in the middle of writing an article about this for, so I’m knee-deep in DMB. :) I meant DMB, not Ben & Jerry’s.

  • Anonymous says:

    Credit where credit is due: Bill Ramsey wrote about this back in January in his DMBeat column which now appears monthly in The Hook.

  • Waldo says:

    Credit where credit is due: Bill Ramsey wrote about this back in January in his DMBeat column which now appears monthly in The Hook.

    Credit where credit is due: I wrote about this in November on

    But the ice cream isn’t the story: it’s the fact that they had a press conference announcing what the environmental organization is all about. Before it was just a name. Now the goal of the campaign is clear.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bill Ramsay is a drunken idiot. He deserves no credit for anything.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bill Ramsey is a useless piece of crap. Ramsey’s insipid column is just a verbatim rehash of everything that’s been posted to (and/or sometimes the official website, with an occasional “Red Light Management turned me down for an interview again” complaint. Absolutely NOTHING original in his column, except for the “well, I’m from Charlottesville, so I obviously deserve to ride on Dave’s coattails even though I haven’t done anything for the band” feeling.

    And Hawes Spencer always wonders why RLM hates him so much… :)

  • Anonymous says:

    Which local media-ite elicits the strongest emotions:

    Ramsay (who seems to have drawn some ire)

    Borgmeyer, man-about-town

    Mooney, monopolist of local news coverage

    Waldo, our very own…

  • Anonymous says:

    Don’t leave out Cripsy Duck (aka Stephen Barling). Every real musician in town would want their voice heard on that one.

  • Anonymous says:

    Don’t forget Hawes Spencer, who has now caused one annoying and mediocre local weekly to become two annoying and mediocre local weeklies (well, one has now become far less annoying nowadays thanks to the change).

  • Anonymous says:

    “Absolutely NOTHING original in his column, except for the “well, I’m from Charlottesville, so I obviously deserve to ride on Dave’s coattails even though I haven’t done anything for the band” feeling.”

    It’s my understanding that he doesn’t even live in Charlottesville anymore.

  • Anonymous says:


    They deserve each other.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bill ramsey now works in cleveland, where he works for Village Voice owned Free Times. The same Village Voice c-ville seemed to put on a pedestal when they announced that some of their new staff have ‘contributed’ to it.

    Does anyone remember the other columns and stories written by him? Some have been picked up from places like austrailia and japan. For someone who is a “piece of crap” he is indeed recognized by the un-bitter.

    viva DMBeat!


  • Big_Al says:

    From what I’ve heard, neither does Dave Matthews.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Does anyone remember the other columns and stories written by him? Some have been picked up from places like austrailia and japan.”

    They have shitty papers there, too. It’s not a purely American phenom.

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    Ice Cream comes from cows, cows eat grass, and produce methane, methane is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gasses contribute to global warming.

    It seems everything today must have a positive spin on it, yay, ice cream and pop music save the planet! NOT!

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