East Mall Renovations

The City plans to renovate the Market Street parking garage, according to Jake Mooney’s article in today’s Progress. The most visible change will be installing four retail spaces in the overhang that the parking garage creates over the Mall. (Think of how far back the former WINA studios are and you’ve got the idea.) Additionally, there’s talk of installing an antique carousel in front of the Virginia Discovery Museum. It’s been some time since City Hall has made any modifications to their end of the Mall.

Mediation Helps Goth Spat

In an attempt to resolve feuds between the goths on the Downtown Mall and police, all parties involved have started attending mediation. This was prompted by a police officer’s arrest of a teenaged girl for swearing in public. Apparently, the mediation is working out well. Some of the benches are back on the west end of the Mall, the manager of the Downtown Grill(e) is happier, and Officer Dillon is on a speaking relationship with the kids again. Today’s Progress has the story.

Henley Goes to Yogaville

Local civil liberties organization The Rutherford Institute has suggested to the county school system that Henley Middle School stop taking field trips to Yogaville. Rutherford apparently believes that the visits were a violation of the separation of church and state. School Board member Gary Grant sent out news of this in his May 11th Constituent Report.

When News Isn’t News

Rocky Mountain Media Watch has filed a formal petition with the Federal Trade Commission over four Denver TV station’s news broadcasts. They’re asking the FTC to declare advertisements promotion the local news programs to be deceptive because, according to their press release, “the entertainment-oriented content of the local TV ‘news’ programs cannot be considered news.” If this works, I wonder if we might see a similar action against WVIR somewhere down the line?

“No Shame” at Live Arts

Live Arts B‘s “No Shame Theatre” has started off quite nicely, according to Live Arts’ Clinton Johnston. If you’re interested in trying out a 3-5 minute theater piece in a no-pressure, crash-and-burn-if-necessary environment, this is the place to give it a whirl. Alternately, if you’d like to watch some folks try their hand at theater, this could prove entertaining. The event takes places every Friday at 11pm, though scripts must be submitted by 10:30pm. Go, have fun.
