Give Away That Rebate

Former Tandem headmaster John Howard is attempting to convince folks to give their impending tax rebate to charity. Millions of Americans will be receiving checks for $300 – $600 over the coming weeks, and Howard thinks that the unexpected money would be best spent on local charities. He plans on giving his rebate to Legal Aid (which is where my check is going, if I get one.) Howard is working on a site,, which he hopes to have fully functional in the next couple of weeks. Bob Gibson had the story in last week’s Daily Progress.

VA Shareholders Sue…Again

Yet another class-action lawsuit is being filed against the underwriters of Value America’s ’99 initial public offering. Shareholders charge that they created a distorted sense of demand for the stock. Reed Williams has the story in today’s Progress.

Shooting at Tokyo Rose

At 2 AM this morning, a Tokyo Rose customer was discovered by bouncers to be carrying a pistol in his waistband. When they tried to eject him, he ran upstairs to the restaurant and began shooting randomly. Though he did not hit anybody, several people were injured in the ensuing panic. The customer escaped, and has not yet been found. Police describe him as a slender 6 foot-tall black male. WINA has the story.

SWATted Belmonters Find Home

Remember the SWAT team that destroyed the house on Nassau Street a few months ago? Well, the folks that lived in the house are moving out of the motel they’ve been living in and into a house on Ware Street. WINA has the story.

Fluvanna Supervisors Approve Power Plant

Fluvanna has approved Competitive Power Ventures‘ power plant, the one that was reported as approved some weeks ago. Turns out that was just the Planning Commission, so now it’s approved for real. (?) WINA reports that well over 100 people attended last night’s meeting, and some have already said that they intend to sue the Board over the approval.
