Greene Sheriff Refuses to Write Tickets

Greene County Sheriff William Morris is totally unwilling to ticket vehicles for failing to display a county sticker. This in the face of the Virginia Attorney General‘s office saying that he is required by law to do so. Says Morris, “I am not going to be a tax collector for Greene County.” His problem is this: county citizens cannot get the $25 county sticker until they’ve paid their personal property taxes. So Morris believes that he and his deputies have been turned into tax collectors for the county, a role that he’s not willing to assume. Keri Schwab has the story in today’s Progress.

Council Talks Wages, Election Date

At tonight’s City Council meeting, the three big issues were a living wage, raising Council’s pay, and changing the date of Council elections from May to November. It was decided that the final vote on the living wage will be held in two weeks, the Council raise (from $6k to $10k for members, $8k to $12k for Mayor) may be voted on next meeting as well, and there will likely be a public hearing sometime next month on changing the election date. WVIR had the story on their 11pm broadcast.

Bank Robber Arrested

31-year-old Linwood Hughes, of Charlottesville, was arrested this afternoon and charged with robbing the BB&T bank earlier today. At 1pm, the suspect went into the bank with a stocking on his head (“Son, you’ve got a panty on your head”), was given an unknown amount of money, and was apprehended by an officer who saw his car shortly thereafter. This latest robbery is thought to be unrelated to the robbery of First Union about a week ago. WINA has the story.

Elderly Man Carjacked, Murdered

WVIR reported this evening that 81-year-old Fulton Scruggs was carjacked and murdered in Charlottesville this afternoon. The elderly man was giving a ride to 20-year-old Robert Preston Taylor and a 16-year-old juvenile when they attempted to carjack him, shooting him twice in the head in the process. The two suspects escaped on foot, though they were quickly apprehended by police. Scruggs died at the hospital early this evening. WINA has a brief story.

Med. School Gets $38M Grant

The National Institutes of Health has given the Medical School $38 million to study cell migration. It’s what’s known as a “glue grant,” one that combines researchers from a varity of institutions to collaborate on a single research project. The study will hopefully reveal information about how cells migrate between parts of the body, which would, among other things, reveal how cancer spreads. For more information see UVa’s press release or David Glynn’s article in the Cav. Daily.
