Hawes Spencer Ousted from C-Ville

Anonymous writes: On Monday long-time editor & founder of the C-ville Weekly was ousted by fellow owners Bill Chapman & Rob Jiranek. While still a 1/3 owner of the paper, Hawes was forced to relinquish the stewartship of Charlottesville’s must read weekly. from the website “C-Ville Weekly is published by Portico Publications, Ltd. Portico Publications, Ltd. is William G. Chapman, Robert Jiranek, and Hawes C. Spence”. Curious minds want to know more but insiders have speculated that Chapman has plans that Spencer refused to agree with.

Though this from an anonymous source, the existence of this rumor has been confirmed by two independent sources, including the staffer of another local media outlet.

Free Bike Program On Hold

Remember our free bike system? It’s still happening, says coordinator Stephen Bach. Things have been held up since the October installation of the bike racks by work on the bicycles and the coming of winter — not a popular time for bicycling. Organizers hope to have 35 bikes out on March 21st, the first day of spring. In the meantime, they’ve had 10 students going through an “Earn-A-Bike” program, learning how to fix and ride bicycles. They’ll all be awarded with their very own bicycle on graduation. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

434 on Tuesday

Our eight-month grace period is over: it’s time to start dialing 434 on Tuesday. Anybody trying to reach us at 804 will now start getting a recording indicating that we have a new area code. Those of you that give out the number to your phones, though, have until late this year to make the switch. Reed Williams has the story in today’s Progress.

Jaquith Runs for Council

I feel a little silly writing about myself in the third person, so I’ll limit that to the headline. I am running for Charlottesville City Council. I am seeking the Democratic nomination. I’ve been a civic activist for nearly a decade, and running for Council is the next logic step in continuing to work for my home, the city that I love. Jake Mooney should have a story in tomorrow’s Progress. I guess I need to recuse myself from writing about Council-related issues on cvillenews.com now, but I’m not sure of what to do. What do you think?

Ewert Newest Council Candidate

There’s a third candidate in the Charlottesville City Council race: experienced politician Bern Ewert. The 59-year-old Democrat has worked in municipal management positions in Price William County, Roanoke, Galveston TX and Stratford CT. In fact, he even worked as the deputy city manager here in Charlottesville in the early- to mid-70s. Already-announced candidates for the two seats are Blake Caravati and Joan Fenton. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.
