miss_tori writes: According to several music trades online, including R&R, the FCC is holding a hearing on the potential for diminished competition in Charlottesville’s radio market. The blurb states, “The commission says that Clear Channel’s long-pending acquisition of Air Virginia’s WUMX/Charlottesville, VA would reduce the number of ‘effective’ competitors in the market from three to two, and it plans to hold a hearing to resolve the matter. The hearing would be the first since 1969 to deal with market-concentration issues in a radio station sale. FCC Chairman Michael Powell notes that the top two owners in Charlottesville would have a combined 94.2% market share. ‘This level of concentration, in the absence of any countervailing considerations or public interest benefits, is simply too significant for us to conclude that the transaction is consistent with the public interest.'” Does Charlottesville’s listening audience care who owns which stations? Do they even know?
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