Darrell Rice not Spotsylvania Co. child killer

Belle writes: DNA sampling taken from Darrell David Rice [shown here in a photo from The Hook], the man charged in the 1996 slayings of two women in Shenandoah National Park, does not match evidence in the unsolved slayings of three Spotsylvania County girls. Kiran Krishnamurthy has the story in today’s Times-Dispatch.

Honor for Honor’s Sake?

Belle writes: This week’s Chronicle of Higher Ed. has a cover story about strains on UVa’s honor code. The Chronicle’s response section (or “colloquy”) for this article even boasts a contribution from Terry Holland.

Millmont Charged with 91 Violations

The Millmont Center mental health facility has been charged with 91 human rights and licensing violations. Writes Claudia Pinto in today’s Daily Progress, “the facility failed to prevent residents from engaging in sexual relations, that a male staffer engaged in oral sex with a 15-year-old resident, and that a month after the center opened a full 50 percent of its staff was made up of untrained workers hired from a temporary-employment agency.” Said the director of state licensing services, “they’ve had more violations than we have ever seen.” The sanctions against Millmont require that they improve staffing and patient monitoring, at risk of being fined or losing their license.

52 Arrests at Foxfield

Police arrested 52 people at Foxfield this Saturday, WINA reports: “Roughly half of the arrests involved drinking or being drunk in public, or underage possession of alcohol. The related offenses included disorderly conduct, littering, and obstruction of justice. Eight people were charged with indecent exposure, and four were picked up for marijuana possession. Authorities also issued 22 traffic citations outside the Foxfield property.” Last year’s races were described by County Supervisor Charlotte Humphis as “a disaster”, which caused the president of the Foxfield Racing Association to accuse the Board of Supervisors of plotting to end the twice-annual horse races. By late August, Foxfield agreed to some new restrictions, and increased law enforcement was planned for this time around, which appears to have been effective.

Dogwood Parade Vendors

writes: Being new to Charlottesville, I attended my first parade here Saturday. I was impressed by the floats and many other sights, but was extremely bothered by the vendors patrolling up and down the streets with overloaded (and probably stolen!) shopping carts. Is this a common practice for the City to allow these vendors to “interfere” with citizens being able to enjoy a parade without dangling flashy “toys” in front of childrens faces to get them all wound up to have us produce the almighty dollar? This is a poor practice that I certainly hope City management will take into consideration for the next parade. Is the money the City gets for the temporary vendor permits really worth pissing off the citizens that are already agitated by not being able to find a place to park? Advice, comments, please!
