Major Development Proposed for West Main

Developers are proposing a massive new pair of buildings for West Main Street, Sean Tubbs reports for Charlottesville Tomorrow, that would put a mixed-use development on a vacant block. (Imagine you’re going from downtown to the university. You pass the train station and go over the bridge. On the university side of the bridge, on the left, is a parking lot used by Wahooptie, what used to be an auto shop, and an empty lot where a building was torn down 15–20 years ago. That whole block.) Coran Capshaw bought that block some years ago, and now he’s working with a few other developers to turn it into a 5-story and 8-story pair of connected buildings, containing 219 apartments, a restaurant, couple of retail spaces, and a parking garage. It’s being called “The Plaza at West Main.” The density of the housing and the height of the building with both require special use permits, and the Board of Architectural Review will have to approve it, since it’s in a historic district. The next step is for the Planning Commission to review it, which they’re doing next week.

11 Responses to “Major Development Proposed for West Main”

  • […] Cvillenews notes that “Board of Architectural Review will have to approve it, since it’s in a historic district. The next step is for the Planning Commission to review it, which they’re doing next week.” An historic student apartment building. Nifty. […]

  • Stormy says:

    I’m in favor of improving West Main between downtown and the University. I think it could be a vibrant neighborhood and add much to life in Charlottesville. I worry what BAR will do to it though. I’m not impressed with the Board’s past performance. It’s my personal opinion that BAR, more than any other board related to development locally, regularly overreaches their statutory mandate. (The county’s ARB is a close second — see what their design-by-committee has created at Stonefield.)

  • Frankly Psuedo says:

    Can you blame Coran Capshaw for wanting to get a sizeable return back upon all that West Main property investment of his there? (Yes) University students are commodity – we can make a fortune off of them!!! But Rick, you need a noise meter to protect yourself from any city sound ordinances.

    Had it been someone else perhaps higher civic-minded (like another Paul Goodloe McIntire) maybe the site would’ve been pushed as a fantastic potential location for that yet to be built YMCA. Oh wait, that’s just toooooo close for comfort to Dave Norris’ pet cause of the Buford Boys and Girls Club. No, nothing wrong with this picture….. the children will still be placed first and front either way!

  • Sean says:

    Just for fun… Here’s that location in 1919 (left side of photo)

  • belmont yo says:

    to turn it into a 5-story and 8-story pair of connected buildings, containing 219 apartments

    Downtown Mall homeless problem solved.

  • Sean McCord says:

    Frankly Pseudo, you must have a real hard-on for Dave Norris if you can take a story about Coran Capshaw wanting to develop a West Main property into a riff against the Boys and Girls Club. Get a grip, man! Charlottesville is growing, we need more housing, and West Main seems like a prime spot.

  • HES says:

    Traffic is going to be even worse in that area now.

  • Frankly Psuedo says:

    Mr. McCord,

    Take it the way it was meant!!!


    But I’m so elated by the way that you unfailingly caught it being about the SIMULTANEOUS HYPOCRISY FOR PUSHING THE YET UNBUILT YMCA FOR SOMEWHERE ELSE.

    Nobody’s has denied (except maybe dyed in the wool manipulative sustainability agendists) any growing pains here so far (unless you’re trying roundabout to be the first,) so get a grip on yourself!

  • Will it hurt traffic? It’s a prime location for walking and mass transit.

    Happy to see someone is THINKING OF THE CHILDREN.

  • Ben says:

    Hoping beyond hope that Elizabeth’s comment is an homage to Helen Lovejoy…and if not, well, that’s even better.

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