County Looking at Building STEM High School

Albemarle Superintendent Pam Moran has been talking with UVA about locating a new high school at the UVA Research Park in northern Albemarle, Aaron Richardson reports in the Daily Progress. The Progress was FOIAing e-mails from UVA on a different matter when they stumbled across UVA communications that referred to the discussions about establishing a school focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It sounds like things haven’t progressed very far at this point, with UVA saying that the university’s administration hasn’t been briefed on it and School Board member Diantha McKeel saying that she didn’t know that Moran had approached UVA.

1 Response to “County Looking at Building STEM High School”

  • Cville Eye says:

    I guess Moran doesn’t feel it is necessary to consult with the school board becaue she has them under her thumb and they will approve whatever she tells them to approve. One would think that a non-amateur interested in transparency would seek permission to negotiate with another entity. After all, it is the school board that’s going to have to come up with the funding.

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