Best Buy Ramp Price Tag Jumps 50%

Widening the bypass on-ramp to two lanes at Best Buy will cost $7.3M, 50% more than expected. Roads are very, very expensive.  #

3 Responses to “Best Buy Ramp Price Tag Jumps 50%”

  • Frankly Pseudo says:

    Well, some local news outlet just had to leap out in front of this bus, to those around not wanting to see a road widened and improved. Especially if that road happens to usually be either 29 or 250.

    “50% more than expected”

    Waldo, are you jumping on the figuring bandwagon that: the new retaining wall shall account for over 2.4 million of this increase as well? Why am I finding such difficult to fathom? Granted, that might possibly be expected on the price tag for labor. However, the materials this retaining wall would consist of?! Are the blocks to construct this being imported from China?

    You don’t suppose it’s a rouse to hold out and wait to change the plan over into a single left travel-lane flyover? And what about the condition of that interchange bridge? Is there any idea what the actual rated condition of it is?

  • I have no idea. Somewhere between changing my son and putting him down for a nap I noticed this story and wrote three sentences about it.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    We reported the increase back in June, but the ramp was discussed at the MPO meeting last week. Sorry we weren’t able to produce a timeline, but the discussion took place during an item to amend the transportation improvement program. We have the audio on our site and I believe that item starts around 30 minutes in.

    Sean Tubbs
    Charlottesville Tomorrow

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