Local Boards Reject Chloraminated Water

At yesterday’s meeting of the two water boards, City Council, and the Board of Supervisors, they unanimously rejected the use of chloramines to purify the regional water supply, Lisa Provence reports for The Hook. Faced with a choice between an $18M granular activated carbon filtration system or a $9M chloramine-based system, they were considering adding the ammonia derivative to save $9M. Most public water supplies in the state are purified with chloramines, but the catch is that they can suck the lead right out of old pipes, which is particularly dangerous for children. Concerns about chloramines were widespread, with dozens of people speaking against chloramines at yesterday’s meeting, but nobody speaking in favor of them. Next up: Ginning up another $9M to fund a new carbon filtration system.

5 Responses to “Local Boards Reject Chloraminated Water”

  • HES says:

    Didn’t I hear a Charlottesville Right Now interview stating that the estimated $18M for a carbon filtration system was double to triple the actual costs? The guy Coy was interviewing stated based on Rivanna’s own numbers the cost was actually going to be the same or less than the cost of adding chloramine.

  • Chris G says:

    My understanding was that the cost of the carbon system was estimated at 100% capacity for the entire year. The system hardly ever runs @ 100% capacity.

    From The Cville Tomorrow article (http://cvilletomorrow.typepad.com/charlottesville_tomorrow_/2012/07/chloramines_vs_carbon_filtration.html):

    “RWSA executive director Thomas L. Frederick Jr. says the cost estimate for carbon filtration is based on the urban water treatment plants running 365 days a year at their full treatment capacity.”

  • HES says:

    Thanks for the link. That’s the guy Coy was interviewing. I missed the part about running at 100% capacity 365. I agree, I can’t imagine that being the case. Makes you wonder if the Board has investments in the Chloramine industry.

  • the boss of me says:

    Did anyone really expect any better from the people who mislead the public about the cost of dredging the reservoir? Frederick and crew have absolutely no credibility nor do the city councilors who bought into the dam scheme.

  • City Girl says:

    The loss of Ragged Mt. Natural Area for a dam we don’t need – for a water supply system that is far more expensive than is necessary – will forever be one of the saddest losses for this community, both in natural resources and financial burdens.

    I am glad that on the chloramine issue the public called Frederick’s bluff. But this is a minimal cost compared to the dam/pipeline plan.

    Trust me, the cost of this option will continue to rise as the project progresses and our local water use falls.

    Mr. Frederick, and the elected officials that voted for this, should be held responsible for this outrage and misuse of public funds and assets.

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