Follow Our Toots

Just a reminder that you can follow on Twitter. It’s often just notifications of new stories here, but for the past few days it’s been a madhouse.  #

3 Responses to “Follow Our Toots”

  • Sean McCord says:

    Waldo, would you consider adding a column here that displays the RSS of cvillenews tweets? Yes, I realize that is very meta, a column of tweets that mostly point back to this same website, but especially of late, the most up to date information of this continually breaking story has appeared in your twitter feed before it makes it here to the website. For people who don’t have twitter (or, like me, subscribe to way too many twitter feeds), CvilleNews could become the first source for breaking news.

  • perlogik says:

    I would not follow your toots as that is slang for something unpleasant- your Tweets however I have no problem with and will follow. :)

  • I keep meaning to install that, Sean. I’ve just got to find the space for it. :)

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