City Launches Mapping Website

Charlottesville has put their mapping system online for everybody to use, Courtney Beale writes for Charlottesville Tomorrow. The Charlottesville GIS Viewer is functionally much like Albemarle County’s web-based GIS system, providing property data, assessments, transfer histories, photos, and relatively sophisticated map display options. It’s pretty straightforward to create a custom map of floodplains, historic districts, police districts, voting precincts, or any of a few dozen other data layers.

2 Responses to “City Launches Mapping Website”

  • A. Soroka says:

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to allow for any thematic mapping or allow for real bulk download for analysis (the export function just permits of downloading addresses, zoning, and parcel numbers, not assessments or property details or histories). I’d be happy to be corrected and told that the site does have these abilities but that they are hard to find (which still wouldn’t be great).

    If the City really wants an excellent map application that allows for citizens to get genuine insight into assessments, zoning, etc. (as opposed to being merely able to browse the data parcel by parcel) the only thing they have to do is release the assessment data as data (not in a controlled interface). Open source tools are available to assemble fantastic mapping and analysis tools, there are plenty of bright citizens who would bring them to bear, and I’d even imagine that a place to host an application could be found. I’d sure be happy to work on it.

  • Noah McMurray says:

    I wonder why there is a Copyright disclaimer on the entry page (The County’s GIS site doesn’t have any such disclaimer)?

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