State Court to Consider YMCA Lawsuit

The YMCA is on hold while the VA Supreme Court considers an appeal in the ACAC/Gold’s lawsuit. That won’t be until spring.  #

5 Responses to “State Court to Consider YMCA Lawsuit”

  • Scott Johnson says:

    Not being a local resident anymore, I don’t really have a say, but I hate to see the only remaining original elements of McIntire Park destroyed to build a YMCA. If the Y can afford 14 to 16 million dollars to build a facility like the one they’re apparently planning, why can’t they afford a piece of land to put it on, rather than leasing what has been, and could continue to be, a park?

  • Claire says:

    This is a serious question — is it true that the YMCA would destroy the “only remaining original elements of McIntire Park”? I saw some early drawings/maps of where it was going to go, and I thought it wasn’t taking up ALL of McIntire Park. Did the plan change?

  • Evan S. says:

    Will ACAC and Gold’s be paying the difference in construction costs?

    Not a big fan of the location; actually I think it’s a terrible location. But I don’t think there was anything wrong in supporting the YMCA over a ACAC or Gold’s.

  • the boss of me says:

    Why build the YMCA in a terrible location instead of finding a good location? It isn’t like one doesn’t exist.

    There is far too much spin suggesting that there is some entrenched opposition to helping poor people. The opposition is to taking even more of Paul McIntire’s gift to the city as a whole and giving it to a special interest coupled with the fact that the special interest is one with a religious affiliation.

    I don’t care how tenuous that affiliation is, I don’t want it in a public park and I particularly don’t want a poorly sited building determining the future of what could be a grand central park for this city.

  • Cville Eye says:

    The Y failed to attract a sustainable clientele when it was located across the 250-Bypass in Covenant School and the same can be said when it was located down the road at MACAA on the corner of the Bypass and Park Street. It will also fail to attract people especially if it is intended to cater to the poor. It will just turn into another welfare program.

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