Kluge Vineyard Rebranded, Due to Open

Trump Vineyard Estates is due to open in September. Well, that’s…what’s the opposite of “great”? That.  #

7 Responses to “Kluge Vineyard Rebranded, Due to Open”

  • danpri says:

    Waldo, you surprise me. A huge assumption and a bit emotionally reactive rather than factually and experientially based…as a journalist would be.

    Note: When I began losing hair I just started shaving it off to the #1 setting. No one really “buys” comb-overs, or fat clothes, do they? Well, no one but deluded old guys and chunky people…

  • Waldo, you surprise me. A huge assumption and a bit emotionally reactive rather than factually and experientially based…as a journalist would be.

    Welcome to new journalism. :)

    Seriously, no good will come of this Trump thing. I wish there was some way to put this into the form of a bet, so that I could put money on it.

    Note: When I began losing hair I just started shaving it off to the #1 setting. No one really “buys” comb-overs, or fat clothes, do they? Well, no one but deluded old guys and chunky people…

    That’s the only way to fly, IMHO. Losing hair with grace is the only dignified way to do it.

  • Dave McNair says:

    Hawes penned a interesting story about the Trump-Kluge thing…

  • danpri says:

    I remain unhappy with the new journalism. Fox on the right is as bad as NYT on the left. It makes things difficult for the average person to sort out the chafe. Hell, the best rag on the market is http://theweek.com/ because they simply take both sides of the media and distill it into one article.

    As to the Trump bet, well I sit on the side of fiscal success (something our current elected officials seem to differ on…), so if you want to bet a dinner/beer over the idea he makes money or goes away, in say…3 years, we are on.

    C & O with the wives. You keep track….

  • I remain unhappy with the new journalism. Fox on the right is as bad as NYT on the left.

    Oh hell no. I don’t think the Times is in the middle of a massive wiretapping scandal, for starters. :) On any given day, a reasonable person could find plenty of examples of blatant bias on Fox News, but I think you’d have a tough time coming up with that in Times in the same timeframe. I have friends who work or have worked for both outlets, and the folks from Fox put partisanship first, and go into stories with an agenda, while the folks from the Times are exactly the opposite.

    As to the Trump bet, well I sit on the side of fiscal success (something our current elected officials seem to differ on…), so if you want to bet a dinner/beer over the idea he makes money or goes away, in say…3 years, we are on.

    Oh, I wouldn’t dare speculate on the likely fiscal success of Trump’s adventure in winemaking. I think it’ll be bad for us. I don’t think Albemarle will fare well—I don’t think Trump gives a damn about us or our wellbeing, and I think he’ll happily break the law and flout the standards of decency upon which much of our social norms are based in order to make a buck. So you can see how that’s tough to base a bet on. :)

  • Jack says:


    Its not a question of whether Trump makes money. We don’t really care about that. The issue is really what happens to the rest of us in Albemarle County. When you look at the track record of what people have to say after having dealings with Donald Trump, its not very good. Customers, local governments, business partners and tax-payers. People who work with Trump on anything tend to walk away in worse shape than they went in.

    This is not a guy whom you really want to do business with or have around at all. Maybe his son will turn out to be a better businessman.

  • James Weissman says:

    Waldo says:

    I wish there was some way to put this into the form of a bet, so that I could put money on it.

    How about: http://longbets.org/

    “The purpose of Long Bets is to improve long–term thinking. Long Bets is a public arena for enjoyably competitive predictions, of interest to society, with philanthropic money at stake.”

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