Republican to Challenge Deeds

Republican attorney TJ Aldous is running against Sen. Creigh Deeds.  #

5 Responses to “Republican to Challenge Deeds”

  • Dan Kachur says:

    I’m disappointed I won’t be able to vote for Creigh again. Damn redistricting.

    Perhaps Mr. Aldous should keep in mind who he’s running against before pulling out the same old generic talking points against someone who is not a generic politician.

  • It was pretty dumb of him to attack Creigh in his very first speech. That creates an “us vs. them” dynamic, and if people are picking sides, they’re picking between this totally unknown guy and their senator. This guy’s not going to win without convincing people to switch, and his current tack is doing the opposite of that.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    “Us vs. them” is what’s wrong with politics. Everyone is against everyone and no one is for what’s right.

  • danpri says:

    Soooooo…”whats right?”

    I’m on the right so it must be ME!

  • Local political figures appear on Charlottesville’s locally-produced interview program Politics Matters with host Jan Paynter:, including a discussion on redistricting with Fred Hudson.

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