McIntosh Drops Out of Council Race

Peter McIntosh has dropped out of the crowded field of City Council candidates.  #

5 Responses to “McIntosh Drops Out of Council Race”

  • perlogik says:

    This actually seems like a smart move and looks to cause problems for Dede Smith

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    How so, Perlogik?

  • perlogik says:

    The fewer moderates (a very relative term in the city) that run for the nomination the better their chances against Smith.

    I think it’s fair to say that Smith represents the super green wing of the party. She will either rally the Greens ( who seem in constant state of war with Albemarle) to massive action or motivate those who wish to move on from water and the Meadowcreek Parkway to show up for one day and vote to move on. I don’t know how Smith’s “Scotty Griffin issue”, which you’ve pointed out elsewhere, will play out however.

    Only in Charlottesville’s democratic hotbed, protected by the ivory greenhouse of the University, can so many varieties of liberal have such a chance to survive and perhaps even flourish. It will be interesting to see this play out

  • FiscalConservative says:

    I view Dede Smith as the most conservative of those running. She comes to almost every council meeting with a plan to save money and save resources for city residents. How do you define Liberal ?

    I am a great believer in co-operation with the county when that is in the interest of city residents, but blind compromise, with no gain and all pain in terms of assets lost and money spent makes no sense to me.

    I plan to vote for Mrs Smith and any others that want to cut wasteful spending on projects that are more glitz than substance, and who understand the value of our parkland as not just green, but a valuable economic resource that will attract businesses to our community.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Good. This will spare us from having to listen to his hot air. I have never heard him say anything of any substance.

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