Neff Running for Board of Supervisors

Erstwhile House of Delegates candidate Cynthia Neff is running against Ken Boyd for the Board of Supervisors, she’s announced in an e-mail. Neff retired to Albemarle a few years ago, and has been politically involved ever since. In her e-mail, she doesn’t stake out any particular positions, other than “encouraging citizen participation, transparency in government processes and decisions, straight talk, decisiveness and collaboration.” Neff says she’d be “a supervisor who proactively listens to all parties, understands there are no simple solutions or room for rigid ideology, works as part of a team and gets the job done.” She’ll make a formal announcement on Tuesday morning. Her e-mail announcement follows.

Dear Friends:

Many of you know about the events of this week at the County Board of Supervisors meeting that were both exciting and disappointing. Exciting because so many of our fellow citizens and neighbors came out to show they care about the community’s sustainability and common good. Disappointing when these same citizens were ignored and then late in the evening found themselves witnessing some parliamentary shenanigans to sneak in a vote on the Western Bypass, denying citizens review or input.

Due to these recent events, coupled with my own vision for the future of Albemarle County, I’m planning to announce my candidacy for the Board of Supervisors. On Tuesday, June 14th, at 10AM on the steps of the County Office Building at 401 McIntire Rd, I will formally announce my intent to run against Ken Boyd for the position of Supervisor representing the Rivanna District on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors.

After a successful career as an executive at IBM, I moved to Albemarle County to retire and find a place to live out my life and give back. I’ve been fortunate to serve a number of great community organizations – AIDS/HIV Services Group, the Legal Aid Justice Center, CASA, TrueChild, and ASAP – while helping many others philanthropically. I have worked hard to help elect outstanding Democrats to office and serve on the Places29 Advisory Council to the Board of Supervisors.

I believe we need to improve the leadership on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and ensure we are encouraging citizen participation, transparency in government processes and decisions, straight talk, decisiveness and collaboration. At this very critical time in the life of our community, we must ensure that we protect and preserve what we have in this special place while responsibly planning for the future.

I’ve been listening to what people are saying about the leadership they want and I believe I have the management and leadership skills that the Rivanna District so badly needs at this time. I hope you will join me Tuesday morning as I launch my campaign and tell you more about my vision for Rivanna and Albemarle County. I will need your help to ensure we have a supervisor who proactively listens to all parties, understands there are no simple solutions or room for rigid ideology, works as part of a team and gets the job done. I can do that and look forward to the next 5 months as we work together towards building a strong future!

All the best,

Cynthia Neff

1 Response to “Neff Running for Board of Supervisors”

  • DanB says:

    Great! Cynthia is a thinking, caring person. She will bring not only her business experience to the Board, but also her real compassion for all the residents of our community.

    Mr. Boyd doesn’t seem to engage his mind as much as he follows the whims of the Tea Party. He is a follower, not a leader.

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