Halsey Minor’s Cost to the City Keeps Adding Up

The Charlottesville Fire Dept has a new $1.9M truck with a 95-foot ladder, a height useful only for the currently non-flammable Landmark Hotel.  #

5 Responses to “Halsey Minor’s Cost to the City Keeps Adding Up”

  • CR UVa says:

    Simply to play devil’s advocate and nothing more, I believe the Titanic was unsinkable.

  • **** says:

    I think you’re confusing useful with necessary. And despite this are still wrong. 1800 JPA is a ten story building, 500 Court Sq. is a nine or ten story building… the city’s building code has long had a 101′ max height restriction based in part on the reach of its firefighting equipment (I think the old tower ladder truck had a 95′ reach also, and pre-dated the Landmark). The Landmark was actually granted a height restriction waiver for its top floor (I think the building maxes out @ 114′ from Water St.)though that top floor could be no more than a certain percentage of the building footprint (the thought being that if someone was trapped on the roof of the top floor in a fire they could climb/jump down to the roof of the next floor which would be within the range of the 95′ tower ladder. If the City had bought a truck to reach 114′, I’d agree with you but @ 95′ the truck they bought barely handles several existing and planned structures. Plus, I don’t think ladder trucks are as customizable as one might assume. The next highest off-the-shelf reach is probably 75′ or 80′? So it might have cost them more to buy a truck with say a 90′ reach.

  • danpri says:

    People cry when cville does not plan ahead. Then they cry when it does.

  • I’ve just learned so much about tall buildings in Charlottesville. :) I’ve heard of 1800 JPA, but I didn’t know it was Very Large Building, as it clearly is. I didn’t have any luck last night tracking down the height of 500 Court Square, and after spending another few minutes on it just now, I’ve got no idea!

  • Cville Eye says:

    The city fire department loves buying fire equpment. We have lots of it. It is requently used in the surrounding counties which buy little equipment. We even have a brush fire truck although we do not have much brush. It was said that it can be used in out brick, cement and steel garages.

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