Boyd Calls Sustainability Initiative “a Cancer”

Supervisor Ken Boyd wants the county to sever ties with the Local Governments for Sustainability—a non-profit group that helps local governments reduce carbon emissions—because he believes that the county is “being infiltrated” by the group, which is apparently bad because they have “an agenda that is set by an international organization,” making them “a cancer that is infiltrating our local government.” The county spends $1,200/year to be a member of the organization—one of 1,220 local governments across the country who do the same—in exchange for which they receive software to track the county’s reduction in carbon emissions, working towards the goal of an 80% reduction by 2050. Boyd’s opposition apparently has nothing to do with the money, but rather the organization’s goal of reducing carbon emissions within the United Nations’ framework of global reductions in output of the greenhouse gas. Which is apparently bad. Sean Tubbs explains all of this for Charlottesville Tomorrow—or at least recounts it. There’s really no explaining it. The matter is due to be taken up in a work session next month.

My best guess is that this is a bit of dog-whistle politics for local Tea Party members. As a group, they’re fundamentally opposed to government—the United Nations is public enemy #1 to them—and they likewise believe that climate change is some sort of an elaborate hoax. But that only makes sense if Boyd is seeking reelection. He’s up for reelection this year, but it was just a year ago when he said that “this is going to be [his] last term on the Board of Supervisors.” Which leaves the possibility that he actually believes what he’s saying.

5 Responses to “Boyd Calls Sustainability Initiative “a Cancer””

  • Cville Eye says:

    “…working towards the goal of an 80% reduction by 2050.” Who’s goal is this, Albemarle’s?
    “As a group, they’re fundamentally opposed to government…” is this documented? Do they vote?

  • Cville Eye says:

    “…working towards the goal of an 80% reduction by 2050.” Who’s goal is this, Albemarle’s?
    “As a group, they’re fundamentally opposed to government…” is this documented? If this is true, why would they vote?

  • “…working towards the goal of an 80% reduction by 2050.” Who’s goal is this, Albemarle’s?

    It’s Albemarle’s but it’s also a wider goal being adopted by many nations—the whole British government, for instance.

    “As a group, they’re fundamentally opposed to government…” is this documented? If this is true, why would they vote?

    It’s documented in any article you might read about the group. :) When all taxes are theft, all government spending is waste, and all elected officials are crooks, then gub’mint is inherently bad. I cannot possibly speculate as to the motivations of these people. Half of them are racists, most of them are half-wits, and a small percentage of them are reasonable people who just haven’t yet figured out that they’re surrounded by racists and half-wits.

  • Tim F.J. Tolson says:

    Amen, Amen, Amen (sing it over) to Waldo’s comments at 10:01 AM on May 8th.

  • Pete says:

    Mystery solved: Boyd has announced his re-election campaign!

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