UNC Fan Booted from UVA Section

UVA kicked a fan out of his seat at the game on Saturday because he was wearing the wrong color.  #

5 Responses to “UNC Fan Booted from UVA Section”

  • Cville Eye says:

    A middle school kid in Seattle wore a Pittsburg top to a school-sponsored pep rally for Seattle and was threatened with suspension by the principal. http://www.wina.com/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=5115501
    Will wonders never cease?

  • JMRL Fan says:

    Hey, at least there was a butt in that seat – UVa should have been pleased at that increasingly-rare occurrence.

  • Cecil says:

    JMRL Fan, though I see your point, I think you might be wrong about the “increasingly rare” part. I think things are trending the other way. I know that game was nearly sold out and the people actually showed up for the game.

  • JMRL Fan says:

    I stand corrected, thanks. Now the football attendance figures, that’s another story.

  • Kelly says:

    This only adds to the perception that UVa is an uptight, pretentious institution. When UVa dominates the competition, maybe they could be expected to enforce weird rules such as this.

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