Ix Structure Torn Down for Naught

Part of the Ix was demolished to lure the City Market, but the city says they’re not interested. Awk-ward. Update: Mayor Norris says it’s not true.  #

4 Responses to “Ix Structure Torn Down for Naught”

  • DaveNorris says:

    “However, city officials said the city government is not interested in purchasing or leasing space for the market.” I don’t know which “city officials” the Progress spoke to, but without commenting on the merits of one potential site over another, I can say with certainty that this particular statement has no basis in the truth.

  • Tom Snyder says:

    I’d say this interview is just a savvy move on the owner’s part. If they needed that building to come down anyway, why not plant a seed in citizens’ minds. Get them thinking “yeah, that would be a good place for the City Market”. Hope that some of them go to meetings, give input (“I’d like the City Market where the old Ix Warehouse used to be.”) And so on. Worst case it doesn’t happen. Best case the owner gets a short term lease on the open space until the economy turns around and they can try to develop.

    It’s intriguing to me for my own selfish reasons … that location would be a bit closer than the current one is for me. Hmmm … maybe the seed has been planted?

    I’d be more interested in a permanent location now, though, if one can be found, instead of another temp one and delaying this further.

  • I don’t know which “city officials” the Progress spoke to, but without commenting on the merits of one potential site over another, I can say with certainty that this particular statement has no basis in the truth.

    That’s good news! I’ve heard talk of a permanent location for the market since I was a kid. Though in an ideal world, I’d prefer Court Square, other options have not been forthcoming. The Ix has lots of parking, it’s very close to downtown, it’ll have space for vendors to pull up vehicles, and it has the benefit of really existing and not being an imaginary idea (like Court Square :).

  • the boss of me says:

    Where’s a high dollar city spokesman when you need one?

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