Boyd Abruptly Reverses Stance on Rezoning for Wendell Wood

At a November 11 public hearing, the Board of Supervisors denied Wendell Wood’s request to have 140 acres of his land on Route 29 added to the growth area. Forest Lakes residents opposed the expansion en masse and, at the conclusion of the hearing, Ken Boyd said that though he personally favored Wood’s request, he would bow to the overwhelming public opposition. With a majority of the board opposed, that was the end of that.

So, as Sean Tubbs writes for Charlottesville Tomorrow, it came as rather a surprise when Boyd said at yesterday’s meeting that he’s changed his mind. “There’s some additional information that’s been brought to my attention that’s made me reconsider what I said. And I’m perfectly willing to take the political heat for that.” No additional public hearing is even required—the board could simply take a new vote and make Wood’s relatively worthless land enormously valuable. As a fellow from the Forest Lakes Community Association said: “A community rose up overwhelmingly and indicated that this is a bad thing. As soon as the spotlight is off, an elected official tries to go back and do the same thing… You do not develop these parcels until you have the infrastructure.” Boyd’s fellow Republican board member, Duane Snow, admonished Boyd at the meeting, saying that “to have everyone here and take a vote and then change it in the back room, I don’t think is fair to the citizens.”

No decision was arrived at about whether they should revisit the topic or not. Audio, maps, and details are available from Charlottesville Tomorrow.

5 Responses to “Boyd Abruptly Reverses Stance on Rezoning for Wendell Wood”

  • well then... says:

    What’s the “additional information”? Mr. Boyd should be accountable for the words he says and the stands he makes. He should publicly disclose the “additional information” that has caused this flip-flop.

    Otherwise, everyone will simply assume that he has a personal financial interest in doing Mr. Wood’s bidding.

  • cjdumler says:

    I’d be willing to bet the “additional information” was contained in a phone call from Wood, and amounts roughly to “I was serious when I asked you to make this happen.” Boyd is in the pocket of the development community, and will have a big fat target painted on his back in 2011. He’s just stuck his neck too far out on too many things.

    Also, kudos to Duane Snow for calling him out on his lack of integrity.

  • Local View 9 says:

    Mr. Boyd is a flip flopper. As soon as it seems that the county will make money off of something, it becomes a top priority for him get that passed, no matter how many people voice opposition to something. The word integrity should never be spoken when Mr. Boyd is around. The best thing he could do is resign.

  • Betty says:

    This is no different than all the SECRET, TWO-BY-TWO meetings Boyd arranged for Wood when Wood wanted to get the NGIC deal going a few years ago. That’s how the guy operates. Figure it out folks!

    Boyd is so disingenuous until it’s comical. But the damn fools around here keep re-electing him. How did Forest Lakes vote in the last Board of Supervisors election? Well, the Hollymead Precinct voted for Boyd 925 to 809. He only won by 149 votes in total. The folks at Forest Lakes should be IRATE!

    OK Forest Lakes, you are on notice. Don’t vote for Boyd in 2011. How many times do you want to get burned? Hey who put all that mud in your lake? Duh!

  • RJS says:

    Mr.Boyd gives new meaning to the
    idea of being solely dedicated to
    serving the public good.

    Mr Boyd is an elected official.
    Albemarle county voters are free
    to decide if Mr.Boyd should represent
    them in the future.

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