C’ville Candidates Lose 5th CD Republican Primary

Sen. Robert Hurt (D-Chatham) won the seven-way race for the Republican nomination for the 5th District, Brian McNeill writes in today’s Daily Progress. The Southside resident won much of the district, but he lost Albemarle, Buckingham, Greene, Fluvanna, and Nelson. Board of Supervisors member Ken Boyd won a plurality of votes in Albemarle, Michael McPadden—of North Garden—got a plurality in Nelson, and Feda Kidd Morton won her county of Fluvanna. The narrative here was that Hurt was the establishment Republican, with the other six candidates representing, to varying degrees, the interests of the far-right “Tea Party” group. Today begins the general election, pitting Hurt against freshman incumbent Tom Perriello (D-Ivy). The election is in November.

4 Responses to “C’ville Candidates Lose 5th CD Republican Primary”

  • JMRL Fan says:

    OK, fun’s over. Now would all you losers please take down your illegal roadside signs?

  • Just Bob says:

    OK, fun’s over. Now would all you losers please take down your illegal roadside signs?

    Verga and McPadden still have them up all over the place down in the Scottsville area.

    And One of Perriello’s Campaign signs (a large one placed presumably on private property with the owners permission) was vandalized with black spray paint Sunday Night/Monday Morning.

    Here’s to hoping the Tea-baggers decide that Hurt is really a RINO and put up a 3rd party candidate.

  • formercvilleresident says:

    there is a third party candidate from danville is in the 5th district race. i heard it on WSET.

  • Just Bob says:

    I’m still seeing McKelvey and McPadden signs on the road sides.


    Various points along 29 North- as in North of the South Fork Rivanna- (one specific point- the traffic light at Austin Drive and 29- 2 signs pushed over like that was equivalent of removing them).

    Various locations along 250 from Keswick to Crozet. Mainly wherever there are main intersections with 250 from other roads. (Ivy/Owensville Rd area, Tilman and 250 and a few other locations along 250 to Crozet. In Keswick on 250 near Glenmore).

    Losers clean up your signs.

    As a P.S. The McPadden Radio commercials made me think of Mark Wahlberg with a Southern Accent. And that is not a complement.

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