Whole Foods Developer Sued by Neighboring Kmart

Kmart is suing Whole Foods’ developers for building on their land without permission, Rachana Dixit writes. Apparently, the owner of the shopping center is allowing Whole Foods to make some improvements to land that Kmart leases, but the developer has started building a road—eventually Hillsdale Drive—and additional parking where Kmart says they’re not allowed to. Though this could just be a simple property dispute between two neighboring properties, it could affect Hillsdale Drive Extended that’s planned to parallel 29N, which is one of the very few new roads that’s actually being developed in the area anytime soon.

7 Responses to “Whole Foods Developer Sued by Neighboring Kmart”

  • Robert Antrim says:

    No comments yet!?
    I’m not up to the level of most of Waldo’s readers or contributors so please excuse me….
    but am I the only person to whom this Hillsdale Ave.-extension project appears on it’s face to be a disaster? Especially with a Whole Food and other subsequent commerce, this looks to me to be another case of the corrupt workings of local pols and developers, ( I’m thinking the Parkway.)
    You know I’m no traffic engineer, but it doesn’t take one to see that more pavement does not always produce less congestion.

  • oldman says:

    I don’t know if it is correct to classify the cooperation between the City government with the Parkway opposition as corrupt….but I do agree that the proposed road is a disaster. But wait, these are the same guys opposing the Parkway. Hmmmm.

  • Just Bob says:

    Unless that family that owns the pepsi plant- allows the connector to go east of their plant to connect to Hillsdale… then it will be a waste of effort.

    When I say East- I mean around the pepsi plant as far away from 29 as possible.

  • Cville Eye says:

    There seems to have been a lack of communication between the parties in the past; however, I wonder why Kmart didn’t bring up any objections to Council or the Planning Commission before now.

  • colfer says:

    Just Bob, the road is to go west of Pepsi, through the narrow strip of woods between Pepsi and the post office. To the east is much too steep, it’s almost a cliff. Through the Pepsi lot would have made sense but then we would not have that wonderful sweet beverage during droughts! I know, they are wonderful corporate citizens, but you will never get road anywhere but to the west.

  • Just Bob says:

    The Post Office will not be giving up any of their land for that portion of the project. And it hardly makes sense to have it go west of the pepsi plant when there is already buildings constructed and in place.

    It’s a bad idea all the way around.

  • colfer says:

    More info here, which is probably accurate:

    There’s a pretty hillsdaledrive.org website but it doesn’t seem to get updated.

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