City, County Officials Meet About Collaboration

Members of the BoS, City Council, Albemarle School Board, and Charlottesville School Board all got together today, Brandon Shulleeta writes in the Daily Progress, all to talk about how to merge some services and save money. Though one might imagine that such meetings happen regularly, they don’t—this sort of collaboration just doesn’t normally take place between all of these entity. They’ve agreed to break into a bunch of small groups over the next year and come up with some ideas before they all get together again, so that they could move faster than all trying to work together as a big group. The immediate goal is short-term savings, after which they’ll move onto figuring out long-term savings, assuming that this all goes forward as planned. The meeting was called by Delegate David Toscano, whose district includes the city and a good chunk of Albemarle surrounding the city.

7 Responses to “City, County Officials Meet About Collaboration”

  • Richard McGrain says:

    Who attended? My understanding is that invitations were sent to the delegates involved and David Toscano showed up but Rob Bell did not.

  • Well, Toscano called the meeting, so I can’t see how he’d have been there. :) Every member of council, the BoS, and the two school boards were there. If any other elected official was there, that hasn’t been reported.

  • perlogik says:

    Deeds was there and nothing was done. The DP is trying to sexy this topic up by calling it “Money Wars”. Everyone seemed very nice to each other nothing would get done.

    I bet that the county will keep having Rob Bell put in the change till it pass. As Eric Struko said “It’s a a simple math problem that needs to be fixed”

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    We recorded the audio for Charlottesville Tomorrow, and the podcast has now been posted. There is not yet a timeline, but we will have one produced shortly.

  • Perlogik says:

    Sean, I was reading the DP comments on this and related story and I wondered, do you disclose Brian Wheeler’s participation in news events that CT covers? While I don’t think it matters in a podcast I was curious at CT’s and the DP’s policy.

  • @Perlogik – The post on Charlottesville Tomorrow’s website has a disclosure at the bottom regarding my role on the school board. This is a very unusual occurrence for me to be a participant in a meeting we are also recording. As a result, we will not do any analysis of the discussion. Since I think it is the only complete recording of the event, and portions of the meeting touched on issues covered by Charlottesville Tomorrow, I decided to share the audio as a public service with the disclosure. Brian Wheeler

  • Cville Eye says:

    So far, they have agreed to meet. I certainly hope that Rob Bell will continue to submit his bill until it passes.

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