Advance Mills Bridge Reopens

After being closed for three years, the Advance Mills bridge has finally reopened, Brandon Shulleeta writes in today’s Daily Progress. Only foot and bicycle traffic has been allowed to cross the Rivanna there, leaving residents on the far side taking an awkward route to town for a long time now. The price tag on this new bridge—which has substantially retained the sharp look of the old one—is $3.3M.

1 Response to “Advance Mills Bridge Reopens”

  • JMRLFan says:

    Advance Mills residents were disappointed that there would be no plaque saying:

    This bridge was the last capital project ever undertaken by the now-defunct Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). VDOT was a major force in the last half of the 20th century but fell victim to political infighting that dried up its funding.

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