The Great Recession Spares No Business

One in ten downtown storefronts is vacant.  #

9 Responses to “The Great Recession Spares No Business”

  • **** says:

    “We are aware of three new businesses coming to the Mall area in the next two months,” wrote Barrick in an e-mail. “In the old Order from Horder space, a popcorn retailer…..”

    REALLY??! A popcorn retailer? The mall’s salvation lies in the hands of a popcorn retailer (thank god they arent a wholesaler)?
    Good thing this exchange was carried out via email, I can’t imagine Barrick could’ve kept a straight face.

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors is moving back to the mall (into Glo’s old space) from the East Wing of Barracks Road, which is interesting. I thought Anthropologie would make the East Wing a hot spot.

    Now if we could only get Novel to come back, too…

  • Thurston says:

    A popcorn retailer? Really? I root for retailers but a store that sells nothing but popcorn on the mall? How is that economically feasible? Please explain!

  • Just Bob says:

    One in ten downtown storefronts is vacant.

    Welcome to the 1980s.

    I root for retailers but a store that sells nothing but popcorn on the mall? How is that economically feasible? Please explain!

    Huge Profit margin in Popcorn. That bag you pay 7 bucks for at the movie theater costs them about 3 cents. I also suppose it might depend on “how” they are going to sell it – whole kernal corn and/or already popped with exotic flavoring, and how much space are they actually going to occupy.

    Imagine Creamy Ranch Dressing flavored popcorn with Spicy Hot Jalapeno Flavored Popcorn mixed together.

    It would probably be a lot like a business in Chicago that decided to sell nothing but Cereal, but sell it like a restaurant. You could go in there and purchase a bowl of Captain Crunch Mixed with Coco Pebbles, and Fruit Loops.

    Is it still in business? No clue.

  • danpri says:

    ****: You sound like an idiot. An established local storefront business is making an investment to grow his business and has chosen the mall. Every time a unique and homegrown business keeps a corporate storefront out of the mall is a positive step.

  • the boss of me says:

    danpri, is that your store idea? I’m not seeing **** as an idiot at all.

    Imagining “Creamy Ranch Dressing flavored popcorn with Spicy Hot Jalapeno Flavored Popcorn mixed together” makes me want to barf. I love popcorn and eat it all the time. I love the mall and locally owned business, but there is no way in hell that I would ever spend my money on that and I really can’t imagine who would.

    Sorry, “unique and homegrown” do not by themselves equate to good.

  • danpri says:

    Not my biz but clearly **** does not know what he/she is talking about. NO one said that any single retailer would save the mall. That is just stupid hyperbole on his/her part. It is a Charlottesville business that has been in operation in Cville for 4 years and enough time to warrant a try at expansion. Heaven forbid we praise the man working the american dream, who BTW, does both retail and wholesale.

    The made up flavor above does not exist, but I personally love the Jalepeno and my wife likes the Caramel.

    So yes, the only thing **** did get correct was hiding their name.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    I for one welcome our new popcorn overlords. Though, Dan, I have to admit they’re going to be taking my snack money out of your pocket.

  • Cville Eye says:

    ****, YOU never sound like an idiot.

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