Clerk Jeanne Cox Retiring

Veteran City Council Clerk Jeanne Cox is retiring this spring, Chiara Canzi writes for C-Ville Weekly. For 27 years she’s sat in Council chambers every Monday night, taking the minutes, acting as the body’s institutional memory. (Retiring simultaneously is her husband, Buzz Cox, the director of the Department of Social Services.) Cox’s retirement comes at the same time as City Manager Gary O’Connell leaving his position after nearly fifteen years. Depending on your perspective, this is either a chance for the city to start with a blank slate in two important positions or it’s a significant blow to continuity and institutional knowledge for city government.

4 Responses to “Clerk Jeanne Cox Retiring”

  • Cville Eye says:

    There seems to always be departures when there’s a regime change.

  • Dahmius says:

    Yeah, everybody is jumping ship at the same time. Seems somewhat foreboding. Hope there’s nothing big that’s going to be hitting the fan in the near future.

  • MM says:

    Isn’t the Clerk of Council is appointed by the Council, and thus is technically not supervised by the City Manager? I do believe most localities do have some informal means by which the Clerk is subject to some oversight by the chief executive (the Manager) but I’m pretty sure that only Council has the ability to fire their Clerk.

    In terms of big things hitting the fan, there is a problem out there, but not in the way that you’re thinking. Public entities, especially local governments nationwide are facing an avalanche of retirements in the next decade to twenty years. There’s a lot of civil servants out there that plan to leave the workforce in the not-too-distant future, and there’s not a whole lot of people in the workforce with the educational background to replace them. Younger workers have been drawn to more lucrative private sector fields in recent times. The economic downturn has slowed the process somewhat, but it’s still coming. Charlottesville will always be somewhat insulated from this phenomena to a certain extent because of UVA, but it is still something to consider.

  • Cville Eye says:

    ” Younger workers have been drawn to more lucrative private sector fields in recent times.” Just out of curiosity, in what sector are those private sector jobs in the central VA area?
    “… but I’m pretty sure that only Council has the ability to fire their Clerk” I haven’t heard that she was fired> Is that the truth?
    ” There’s a lot of civil servants out there that plan to leave the workforce in the not-too-distant future, and there’s not a whole lot of people in the workforce with the educational background to replace them.” She was what used to be called a secretary. She wasn’t even an office manager and had to deal with bookkeeping.
    “The economic downturn has slowed the process somewhat, but it’s still coming. Charlottesville will always be somewhat insulated from this phenomena to a certain extent because of UVA, but it is still something to consider” By how many millions is the county’s school board trying to reduce its budget?

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