Local Media Forum Successful, May Be Repeated

Local Media Forum

Tuesday night’s forum on the future of local print media went really very well. There were something like 85 people there, but it was tough to get a count, because the space was so overfilled. Dozens of people stood for an hour and a half and didn’t complain once, which was very generous. Our speakers were engaging and interesting, the audience had great questions, and I think everybody had a good time. (The Daily Progress’ Josh Barney was a clear crowd favorite. That guy should go on the lecture circuit.) But the whole affair left most people wanting more—a display of hands at the end showed that about 80% of the audience wanted to do this again soon, which surprised the heck out of me. I’d love to hear from folks about what they’d like a follow-up event to focus on, what should be done differently, what should be done the same, and who they’d like to hear speak. I’m grateful to everybody for coming out, to Left of Center for co-hosting this with cvillenews.com, and to all four of our speakers for their willingness to participate.

Sean Tubbs recorded the event for posterity, and you can listen on the Charlottesville Podcasting Network website.

7 Responses to “Local Media Forum Successful, May Be Repeated”

  • Local says:

    There are 85 more people who didn’t get to come to this event. I vote for the same panel and let the ones who missed this time get another chance to attend. thanks Waldo –looking forward to the next one.

  • Jan says:

    Or hold it at a bigger vene so everyone that wants to come can come.

  • Nobody was turned away, and since there was no reason to suspect beforehand that things would be so crowded, I don’t think it had an impact on attendance.

  • What with his talent for journalism, and his astonishing, resonant voice (and lovely, unrepentant Southern accent) Josh Barney should be on NPR.

  • In case you missed it, here’s a link to a future-of-journalism segment that was on PBS’s “Now” with David Brancaccio last night:


    Here’s the summary of the segment:

    “Is good journalism going extinct? Fractured audiences and tight budgets have downsized or sunk many of the fourth estate’s major battleships, including this very program.

    This week, NOW’s David Brancaccio talks to professor Bob McChesney and journalist John Nichols about the perils of a shrinking news media landscape, and their bold proposal to save journalism with government subsidies. Their new book is ‘The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution that Will Begin the World Again.’

    Should journalism get the next government bailout?”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Should journalism get the next government bailout?”

    So how much money do you want to give to the Fox network versions of Mother Jones, Utne Reader and the like? I’m sure they would be more than happy to accept government funds while condemning them at the same time.

  • TrvlnMn: If you click that link, you’ll hear them discuss an historical example of this.

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