Local Blockbusters Closing

The Blockbuster video stores in town are closing up shop permanently next week, a part of the company’s efforts to become profitable again.  #

9 Responses to “Local Blockbusters Closing”

  • James says:

    Great news! I canceled my Blockbuster membership in 1994 or ’95, and have been a dedicated Sneak Reviews customer ever since.

  • Lisa says:

    Bad news! We don’t have Sneak Reviews up here in the land of 29 North. It is hard to imagine SR opening up a new location in this economy but we would welcome them gladly!

  • Kelly says:

    I never received any sort of customer service from them. I finally cancelled my membership when they sent me to collections for a tape that I had in fact returned. (Likely it was stolen from the returns pile inside the store.) One manager assumed that my house too messy and actually told me to straighten up to avoid the charges. It took everything but a sworn affidavit to convince them that the mistake was theirs, not mine.

  • Cecil says:

    Lisa, try Netflix. They’re totally awesome. And Sneak Reviews is great, too, though they’re out of your way.

  • Big_Al says:

    In related news, Best Buggy Whips announced that they will be closing all retail outlets due to the whole 21st Century thing.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Don’t care one way or the other about Blockbuster closing, but I do wish we had a decent place to buy DVDs here. Ever since Suncoast closed( as well as Sam Goody and the shortlived fye)its been limited.
    I loved Suncoast- especially all the old gems found on the $5-$10 rack, like Ramar of the Jungle, old monster movies, westerns,and so forth. And both they and Sam Goody had great selection for TV on DVD.
    Plan 9 just does not cut it. They are not even very good for music anymore, though they used to be great, especially for the folk/acoustic CDs, my favorites.
    Can always go online-oldies.com is great- but its fun to browse store racks, never knowing what treasure you might come across.

  • Just Bob says:

    I gave up on “bricks and mortar” a long time ago. Hell would freeze over before I used netflix because of their practice of “throttling”.

    Most of the crap I watch is something I purchased from amazon dot com.

  • I find Netflix’s throttling practice unsavory, but I get so few discs from them (preferring to watch online via my Roku) that it’s never affected me.

  • Jon says:

    I own a small mom and pop video rental store across from Food Lion at Lake Monticello. I purchased it in 2007 and even during these hard times have built up the business to well over what I had expected to do in my first 2 years. First the real reason Blockbuster closed all of their franchise stores is because they made bad investments. They spent several millions on fighting Nexflix and then Redbox. Also they are a huge corpration with many hands in the same pocket, from the stock holders to the franchise owners. For our business my corprate office is in my back room with dust covering my desk because I’m up front one on one with my customers. Also why fight something I know I can’t win, I work with customers who have Nexflix because we take care of them when Nexflix falls short. We offer Sunday FREE on all new release rentals when they are rented on Friday or Saturday even though we are open Sunday. We give a point for every rental rented on your account and when you get to 12 you get a FREE rental. Bring a new release back by 2 the next day you get an additional point, that’s what we call our economic stimulus package! So if your looking for a place to rent a video and be treated like family, come try us out at Video By The Lake. Need directions call us Monday through Thursday 10-9 Friday and Saturday 10-10 and Sunday 2-9. 434-589-5566. Locally owned and operated cone by and say hi to Mom.

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