Dr. Latham Murray Has Died

One of the Murray brothers, Dr. Latham Murray, died yesterday evening, of causes as yet undetermined. The eight sons of Panorama Farm owners Jim and Bunny Murray—James, Matthew, Christopher, Stephen, Andrew, Thomas, Timothy, and Latham—are pervasive in the community, quietly doing the various good deeds that make Charlottesville and Albemarle go ’round. The 58-year-old was a thoracic surgeon at Martha Jefferson, the chair of their board, and, as a hobby, a craftsman. He’s survived by his wife and their five children, one of whom—Wistar—should be well known to those who read Charlottesville blogs (although she recently moved to New York)—as should be Wistar’s husband, Darren Hoyt. A memorial service will be held sometime early next year.

8 Responses to “Dr. Latham Murray Has Died”

  • Victoria Dunham says:

    Extremely sad news indeed. Condolences to the family.

  • Liliana B. Lobaton says:

    We will miss you Dr. Murray; so gentle,so warm, an exceptional human being.Our toughts are with your family.

    Liliana,Joanna and Vera Melo Lobaton

  • Lisa Harrison says:

    Dr. Murray was exceptional, actually, exceptional is only a start. It sounds strange, but he was so much more than a doctor. He had so many talents, and he was such a gentle and respectful man. He will be greatly missed.
    My thoughts go out to his family.
    Lisa Harrison, ICU

  • Darren says:

    I appreciate you mentioning Latham here, Waldo. He was one of the kindest, funniest and most accomplished people I’ve known here in Cville, or anywhere. We miss him more than words can express.

  • Rick Swift says:

    My heart goes out to Lang, Jack, and all the Murrays. This is a tragic loss to his family, friends, co-workers, and the Charlottesville community. My thoughts and prayers are with the Murrays.

  • Wistar says:

    Thanks, Waldo. My dad loved this town and all its news.

  • Sharon Hutchinson says:

    Dr. Murray performed surgery on me two years ago and I greatly admired him. He was sensitive, caring, and professional but with a fantastic sense of humor. I was greatly saddened and shocked by his passing. This community has lost a great human being and I am sure his passing will be felt by many in years to come. My prayers and thoughts remain with the family.

  • Pat Carter says:

    My thoughts and prayers to the Family. Dr. Murray was a wonderful person, his bedside manners were impeckable. He performed emergency surgery on our daughter Shanna,last fall, and being a nervous parent, he was so kind, and showed so much compassion. ( Thank You Dr. Murray)
    Charlottesville Community has truely loss a wonderful Doctor and Person. Heaven has gained another Angel!
    My prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Spencer & Pat Carter
    Richmond, VA

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