Anti-Thomas PAC Forms, Violates State Law

A PAC called “Albemarle Citizens Against Racism” political action committee just registered yesterday, according to the Virginia Public Access Project, with the stated goal of defeating Rodney Thomas. (He’s the Republican running against incumbent David Slutzky in the Rio district in today’s election.) In violation of state campaign finance law, the PAC has not submitted a financial disclosure, so there’s no telling if the group has received or spent any money in opposition to Thomas. The statement of organization filed with the State Board of Elections names one Gretchen Knight, of Pen Park, as the treasurer and sole organizational contact, and a bank account at Bank of America.

Is anybody familiar with this group? Seen any material with their name on it? If they’re attempting to influence the election at the last minute, It’s possible that somebody had an idea for a political action committee, filed the paperwork, opened a bank account, and never did anything with it. They’re still in violation of state law, but it’s less egregious-seeming if nothing is hidden from the public as a result.

3 Responses to “Anti-Thomas PAC Forms, Violates State Law”

  • albemarlecar says:

    actually, VPAP is incorrect. A financial statement was filed–showing no activity, because, when it was filed, there had been none. So, no laws broken.

  • Cville Eye says:

    The email address on the application said so I guess that’s who commented. According to Google Maps the address seems to be in the River Run subdivision, near Pen Park. Perhaps Albemarlecar will weigh in again to elucidate the goals of this new pac.

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