C-Ville Weekly Looks Back on 20 Years

In the latest C-Ville Weekly they’ve rounded up some really enjoyable memories of the twenty years that they’ve been publishing. Owner Bill Chapman recalls the highlights, with staff rounding up the highs and the lows (“Gail Force,” anyone?) in the years gone by. Look closely in the “lows” section and you’ll see the logo of Distribution the ‘zine that became this very website, from back in 1994. Perhaps intentionally–in a nod to nudity in The Hook last week–Chapman’s piece includes their 1998 photo of a streaker and a description of the fallout, which included Kroger pulling C-Ville’s rack from their store and the requisite Daily Progress story about the ban.

2 Responses to “C-Ville Weekly Looks Back on 20 Years”

  • Fred C. Dobbs says:

    There’s a need for a “Media Commentary Blog” in every community where people can vent their praise and air their happiness with local media.

    Which is to say, I think the most bizarre Prog headline in recent months is, “Woman recovering after being struck by Dodge Caravan.”

    What’s next, “Bowie knife slashes man outside sports bar?”

    “Colt 38 shoots woman in groin?”

    Product placement can go too far.

  • I make a habit of keeping up with DP headlines that accuse implausible inanimate objects of crimes or name them as victims of crimes. Things like “Man Held in Scooter Death.” (Vehicles are named more often than anything else.) They show up every couple of months. Admittedly, I generally have a hard time coming up with a better headline in the alloted space, but I’d like to think that the professionals could do a better job than I. :)

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