DP Goes Narrow

The Progress has gone to the new, narrower page size that’s become more common. Remember when the Post got narrower a few years ago? Same deal.  #

6 Responses to “DP Goes Narrow”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    I guess that’s one of the reasons they aren’t called “Broadsheets” anymore.

  • TheCowSaysMoo says:

    Narrow is fine if it’s centered. Otherwise, anybody above 1024 x 768 is going to feel like they have to keep looking to the left for everything.

    Personally, I find that an awkward way to read online, which is why I have a GreaseMonkey script that centers everything on the Post’s web site… and changes the font.

  • Actually, it’s the physical newspaper that’s been redesigned, not the website, though I can appreciate that’s not obvious from this tiny little blog entry.

  • saywhat? says:

    Unfortunate to see this happen and not unexpected…but it was a little pathetic over the weekend when the DP tried to pass this off as a positive initiative in “going green” (ie. saving some trees). If that’s the real motivation why don’t we just skip all the slow bleeding and go straight to a web only site.

  • colfer says:

    Maybe it’s making money. Many small papers do. There are still 30,000 people around here who want obits and TV listings and news on plain paper.

  • Jack says:

    You mean there’s a print version?

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