Boyd Running Against Perriello

Ken Boyd plans to run against Rep. Tom Perriello for Congress, Brian McNeill writes in today’s Daily Progress. Well, that’s not strictly true. McNeill writes that Boyd attended an informational session for the apparent hordes of Republicans who intend to seek the nomination to run against the freshman Democrat, and Albemarle County Republican Chair Christian Schoenewald tells McNeill that “he told us he was running”; Boyd tells McNeill that he’s “still considering it very seriously.” Boyd serves on the Board of Supervisors, representing the Rivanna precinct. He’s a sophomore, first elected in 2003, defeating Democrat Peter Hallock with 52.6% of the vote. The 5th congressional district is huge—the size of New Jersey—and Charlottesville is in the northern tip of the triangular district, which extends clear to the North Carolina border. I’d say that somebody from this far north is unlikely to win the district—since we have very little in common with the rest of it—but given that Rep. Perriello was born and raised in Ivy, that’s clearly no true anymore.

10 Responses to “Boyd Running Against Perriello”

  • Small town, small minds says:

    I’d vote for Boyd just to get him to leave town!

  • Bryan c says:

    He would be better then a lot of crazy right wingers that have already announced. Much better than Goode was. Probably too moderate to get nominated.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Perriello must be re-elected! I am sick of all these rightwingers, tea party freaks,and a political party that has become totally bankrupt as far as a positive contribution to political discourse goes.
    The party of Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower has become the party of Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.
    We got rid of Virgil, and Malibu George “Macaca” Allen. Now lets send the rest of these turkeys like McDonnell and Cuccinelli down in defeat.

  • TJ says:

    Boyd, whose on the board of the RSWA ( Rivanna Solid Waste Authority) is suing a private citizen trying to use free enterprise to better recycling in our community and save taxpayer dollars. Instead of Boyd supporting private enterprise, appears that he’s suing him to get rid of him, and continue the wasteful ways of the RSWA. Fiscal conservative ?

  • Questor says:

    “totally bankrupt as far as a positive contribution to political discourse goes.”

    Because your comments are so enthralling and constructive? ;-)

  • jogger says:

    Can hardly wait to vote for a right winger over Perriello, and McDonnell gets my vote over deeds. Somebody’s democratic vote will be cancelled out by me.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Boyd does not sit on the RWSA board. I believe the current chairman (whose name I don’t want to take the time to figure out its spelling) does. Boyd’s totally closed mind to the4 water supply proposal is enough to keep me from voting for him, period.

  • TJ says:

    Boyd sits on the RSWA board , newly appointed !
    from the Hook:

    ” Meanwhile, the RSWA board, which now includes City Councilor David Brown and County Supervisor Ken Boyd, continues to wrestle with its future. In the board’s July discussion about improving the Ivy Transfer station, Boyd said, “We’d have to make the price competitive enough so people wouldn’t just drive directly to the private MRF.”

  • Cville Eye says:

    You’re right, TJ. I reversed my letters. Later, I wondered if I had.

  • Small town, small minds says:

    In DC, he’d be just one of 435, would be in the minority party and couldn’t have much of an effect on anything or us for that matter.

    Conversely, his presence here has contributed to many bone-head decisions. Also remember the SECRET meetings he arranged for the NGIC/Wendell Wood deal. Letting developers rape the County physically and fiscally is another Boyd legacy.

    With his mindset, he’d fit right into the DC scene and he’d be out of our hair.

    Get him outta here!

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