Healthcare Forum Video and Pictures

I took some photos and recorded some video at Perriello’s healthcare forum this evening. That place was packed to the gills.  #

10 Responses to “Healthcare Forum Video and Pictures”

  • Questor says:

    That place was jammed! People sitting in the aisles, standing in the doorways, and nary a seat unfilled.

    People should learn how to ask effective questions though. 5 minute diatribes/sob stories do not work, and deprive the people behind from meaningful answers.

  • Bonnie O'hara says:

    Alas, the supply of unbalanced whiners ruining public forums is endless and forever changing. Educate 1 to be effective in a forum and 10 new, unwashed whiners smother him.

    Kinda like the Hose of Representatives or the lower house of a state legislature.

    Maybe in a few decades there will be a mandatory anti-whining gene required for admission.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I found the comments at the end of the DP article to be quite informative. Unfortunately they are listed last comment first, so interested readers have to read them backwards, going to the bottom of the comments on page 2 first, reading up the page and then starting at the bottom of page one, read up that page.
    Listening to NPR last week it became clear to me that Congress hasn’t decided whether it is trying to reform the health care delivery, health care administration or health insurance. I believe this week it is being narrowed to the issue of a public option to compete with private insurance.
    I do know of several people who live in Charlottesville who went to the town meeting in Greene in anticipation of “the other side” planting people in that meeting and then they attended the Charlottesville meeting. Personally, I feel the process is being somewhat subverted by the grassroots.

  • jogger says:

    Can anyone name one government program that has worked? I sure as hell don’t want the fewerdal government messing around with my health care, at least for the short time I have left on this earth/planet.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Yes, jogger, Walter Reed Hospital.


  • Can anyone name one government program that has worked?

    Jogger, this is another prime exhibit of you either being a) stunningly ignorant or b) an inveterate troll. If you truly can’t think of a single thing that the United States has done successfully in its entire history, perhaps you should consider relocating to a different country—clearly this one is not living up to your stringent standards.

  • Bill says:

    I went to the CHS forum, and was relieved that it didn’t turn into a scene from “Kill Bill.” I got worn out after the 10th or 20th long, meandering fillibluster/question, but thought it was pretty civil despite the catcalls and boos and shouts.

    I’d just like to say that, having lived over a decade in a country that has a single-payer system, Americans just don’t know what they’re missing.

    No, Japan’s health system isn’t perfect but I paid NO health insurance premiums at all (compared to $800/month with $3000 deductible per person for a family of three here with no dental). I never had to endure long waits, got my medicines at no cost and paid much less in taxes, especially if I include money spent on premiums, copays, drugs and dental.

    Perriello and I don’t agree on details, but he deserves some love after enduring 8 such town hall meetings in 9 days.

  • Voice of reality says:

    Thanks, Bill. Ahhh, some sanity, how refreshing! I know many people abroad– in the UK, France and Italy, and also to our immediate north in Canada. To a person, they CANNOT believe that the US, which touts itself as the greatest country in the world, does not provide health care for its citizens.

    Sure, their health programs aren’t 100% perfect, but what on this planet is perfect? One area where they especially have us beat is taking care of small problems before they become much bigger problems.

    I’m flabbergasted that any US citizen is trying to block healthcare reform by turning it into a partisan issue.

  • Pete says:

    I’m with Bill.

    My family lived for more than a decade on-and-off (80s, 90s, 00s) in two different Europeans countries with “socialized medicine” and the only difference was that they were cheaper and less of a paperwork- and phone-hassle. We enjoyed the same standard of care as in the good ole US of A. We also had the peace of mind that our insurer could not drop us if one of us got sick or that we’d lose care if we lost employment.

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