Schilling Cited as Terrible TV

A St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist is using Rob Schilling’s appearance on “Fox and Friends” to illustrate what makes the show so vapid, biased, and awful.  #

19 Responses to “Schilling Cited as Terrible TV”

  • Big_Al says:

    Very, very funny article, and spot-on. Never thought of Fox and Friends as a sit-com, but now it all makes perfect sense!

  • reybo says:

    99% of the Fox channel is garbage, but we should all see this, the other 1%.

    Those idiots got something right. Be warned: is major government snooping into our computers.

  • reybo says:

    Waldo: the time stamp on the message above reads one hour earlier than Charlottesville time. Are you visiting Nova Scotia? (Be sure to see Peggy’s Cove.)

  • Randy says:

    Is this what serious journalism is supposed to represent?

    I used to watch the Today show but got tired of how it, along with other main stream media, pretended to be objective, but in reality had a definite left wing bias. They also had many clips which are clearly “fluff”. Does Fox & Friends lean to the right, I would certainly agree, but virtually all other media runs with a bias the other direction.

    So I watch Fox several times a week, and yes, at times I find something they are running annoying, or I really don’t care, or I might cringe because I think they are taking something too far. Just because I watch Fox, or listen to Schilling when able (I am usually working so don’t) does not mean I agree with all their views. So I may surf to some other channels, and after a while, find their fluff or attitude not worth my time, and go back to Fox. While many on Fox have clear right views, they do a decent job in providing for debate, and allowing for opposing views to be expressed, better than many others.

    What is sad is that this trash article was viewed as worthy of posting here. And Waldo, your header and brief comment does not help.

  • TheCowSaysMoo says:

    My wife and I had to stop listening to Fox and Friends via XM Radio on our commute to work because we were laughing so hard that it distracted from my driving.

  • What is sad is that this trash article was viewed as worthy of posting here. And Waldo, your header and brief comment does not help.

    Fox & Friends is garbage, and Schilling’s ridiculous, biased, and ignorant attack on a public school teacher is the stuff of parody. I’m not about to apologize for pointing that out.

  • the time stamp on the message above reads one hour earlier than Charlottesville time.

    I don’t know what happened there, Rey, but I’ve got it fixed for future comments. Strange!

  • Andrew says:

    There’s always a fine line between funny and scary and sad. Stories like this would be a lot funnier if the intended audiences of the right-wing blowhards got the joke, but I don’t see that happening.

  • Randy says:

    Regarding: …I’m not about to apologize for pointing that out….

    Your not pointing anything out, this is not a statement of fact. Your presentations to describe Fox and Schilling as garbage, vapid, biased, awful, ridiculous, ignorant and terrible represent opinions, and absolutely nothing more. I expressed opinions such as trash, biased, attitudes and fluff to describe most of main stream media.

    I would like to think the common ground we have here is that virtually all media outlets, including yours, are biased. If you do not see that, then you need to pay more attention. Many of us gloss over the attitude when it supports our viewpoints, and abhor the attitude when it is opposing. Isn’t this discussion evidence of that?

    It saddens me that objectivity in media reporting is a vanishing skill. And people wonder why the majority of the population as a whole (who are in the middle), are tuning out so much of the rhetoric, and do not believe much of what they read or hear.

  • Your not pointing anything out, this is not a statement of fact.

    You’ve made a distinction without difference. One can “point out” a fact as easily as a perception.

    I would like to think the common ground we have here is that virtually all media outlets, including yours, are biased.

    I see the problem here, Randy—you think I’m a media outlet. I’m not. Like 350 other people in Charlottesville, I’m a guy with a blog. Whether or not I’m “biased” is as irrelevant as to whether you are biased. Likewise, Fox & Friends is not “news.” It’s not “journalism.” It’s ignorant people stirring their frightened audience into a state of greater fear in order to make money on advertising.

  • HollowBoy says:

    I used to respect Schilling. When he was on City Council I thought he provided a voice of dissent from the Democratic machine. I thought “here is a different sort of Republican”, someone not a Bush clone.
    Maybe he has become bitter since losing his bid for re-election, but now that he has aligned himself with the “rightwing blowhard” element of the party I no longer feel have any admiration for him.
    And for his swipe at Tom Perriello’s handling of his bereavemnt, no respect.

  • reybo says:

    Wonder if Randy thinks Rush is in the news business.

  • James says:

    The “left-wing media bias” is a myth that I’ve never found even REMOTELY convincing. As someone whose political barometer leans quite far to the left, I can easily count the number of times that a major news outlet has accurately represented my views without having to take off my shoes.

  • Andrew says:

    I would like to think the common ground we have here is that virtually all media outlets, including yours, are biased.

    Sure, everyone brings pre-conceived notions to the table, and no one is 100% objective, 100% of the time. But anyone who pretends that Fox makes the same efforts at objectivity and balance as the “mainstream media” has his head firmly buried in the sand.

  • Randy says:

    Reybo, Rush is a political commentator, no confusion on that point with me.

    Waldo, you have obviously decided to declare war on many, many people. Your use of the term ignorant to describe individuals I (along with many others) respect, along with your other comments, clearly reflects this. So be it.

    As for your comment about just being a guy with a blog, I was mistakenly thinking I was reading the C ville news. Your blog title says “News and meta-news about Charlottesville, VA.”.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding, and have a nice evening.

  • Pete says:

    I found Schilling’s criticism of Periello’s time off for his dad’s funeral to be incredibly hypocritical. I distinctly recall that when Schilling himself was criticized for missing votes on City Council due to an in-law’s funeral, he was livid and lashed out at his critics.

    As always, it’s OK if you’re a Republican, I guess.

  • Big_Al says:

    I’m not worried about bias as much as I’m troubled by inaccurate “reporting,” misrepresentation of events and facts, and disallowing dissenting opinions. Fox News scores very low in all of those – and yes, they say they have “dissenting” voices, or at least they label them as such. But really, Dick Morris?

    As Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” Let’s not forget, Fox is the “news” organization that identified both Mark Sanford and Mark Foley as Democrats when their sex scandals hit the front page. Does anybody think that was an “accident?”

    They are the “news” organization that creatively edited an Obama response to a (severely loaded) question to make him appear (to them, at least) anti-American.

    Fox News is nothing – nothing at all – other than Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter inside a shroud of respectability as a “major” network. If they don’t like the actual facts, they have no problem making up their own.

  • reybo says:

    “Rush is a political commentator, no confusion on that point with me.”

    The person who would disagree with you is Rush. He has said many times that he is an entertainer, nothing more. I’ve heard him say it in interviews, and his interviews can probably be found on the web.

  • Cville Eye says:

    There is fact, opinion, perception, and, yes, error in all news outlets. CBS reported that when Iraq invaded Kuwait, it confiscated all of Kuwait’s incubators and took them to Iraq. That error fit in quite nicely with CBS’s perception of Iraqis. Ten years later, it took at least ten years for the general news media to report that it was not true. That predated Dan Rather’s failure to verify. What I do is try to ascertain what is fact or opinion or lies by using common sense. So, it really doesn’t matter what news outlet I listen to.

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