Deer Hunting Classes

My brother is running a deer-hunting class for locavores and foodies. Ain’t nothing as local as your back yard. 07/30 Update: CBS-19 has picked up on the story.  #

4 Responses to “Deer Hunting Classes”

  • Questor says:


  • We allow a hunter to use our property in exchange for a share of the meat. As you said, you can’t get more local than that! We have a contract that we write up at the beginning of every year and have him sign with things about safety and respect for the animals. So far, it’s been fantastic, and our hunter has really gone above and beyond the contract by bringing us deer jerky, and going out of his way to show respect for us and the land.

  • Chris says:

    “The class is definitely on and will be starting on September 20th.”

  • Jo Boone says:

    I’m interested in the deer hunting class for beginners. I can’t find information on this? It starts Sept 20, 2009 but where and what’s the cost?
    What do I need? I’v never hunted before and woudl rather be taught the right & safe way than find find out on my own. Thnaks -Jo

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