Senior Center Moving

The Senior Center is moving to Four Seasons Drive. Which is awkward, since other services for seniors have sprung up around the existing location.  #

1 Response to “Senior Center Moving”

  • Peter says:

    Regarding the Senior Center’s possible move to Four Seasons, I’d like to clarify two key points.
    First, this project is not final. Our Center’s Board of Directors continues to conduct due diligence on the property. The Planning Commission recommendation is but one step in the process, and the Board of Supervisors must still vote on approval of our special use permit to use the Four Seasons site as our Senior Center. We will not know until fall or early next year if this dream can become a reality. Second, the proposed location on Four Seasons Drive is on the CTS bus lines and very centrally located, just one mile from our current site. Thus, it is very accessible to the entire community, including those who live near Pepsi Place or who use the JABA headquarters on Hillsdale Drive. This accessibility is one of our primary considerations as we work to fulfill the mission of our Center.

    Peter Thompson
    Executive Director
    Senior Center

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