2 Swine Flu Cases at UVA Medical Center

I go on vacation for 36 hours and swine flu breaks out? The good news: it’s no more harmful than any other flu, so relax.  #

2 Responses to “2 Swine Flu Cases at UVA Medical Center”

  • Jocelyn says:

    I imagine there are plenty of folks who are or have been ill with the flu who are just doing the typical thing one does for the flu: stay home and rest. I was sick for about five days and I’m still coughing after two weeks. But it was a lot milder than the strain I had in 2005. I didn’t bother calling my doctor, but I will on Monday if I’m still congested.

    The big problem is that after five days at home, one is itching to get out and you can still be contagious 7 or so days after symptoms present. I imagine that’s contributing to the slow, but steady spread during the summer.

  • Jeannine says:

    I told my sister-in-law about our “outbreak” and she nonchalantly told me that her small, suburban town outside of Boston had hundreds of cases when local college kids came back from Spring Break.

    It helps to have some perspective when some local news outlets report on our cases as if we’re all doomed to catch it.

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