Downtown Blanketed with WiFi

The Downtown Mall has WiFi now, Rachana Dixit reminds us in the Daily Progress today, and people are digging it. As a part of the completed overhaul of the Mall, the city is spending $29k/year to blanket the area with free high-speed wireless. The same thing has been done in cities across the country in order to encourage tourists to linger and businesses to locate in the vicinity. I’ve used it just once so far, on my iPhone—you’ve got to click through a license agreement in your browser to get started, but from there it was just like at home, only faster.

3 Responses to “Downtown Blanketed with WiFi”

  • Ms Christian says:

    Apropos story from Ft. Lauderdale on June 9:

    Dangers of using Wi-Fi often overlooked; hackers can easily intercept your files.

    By Andrew Tran | South Florida Sun Sentinel
    2:42 PM EDT, June 8, 2009

    Locked out of his dorm at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Chuck Forbes was desperate for an open wireless Internet connection.

    He knew it could be unsafe because his family’s home computer network had been compromised by using an unsecured signal. Still, he wasn’t worried.

    “I just don’t have much stuff that’s interesting,” he said.

    While an unsecured wireless Internet connection may be the only way for some people to get online, for others it can be an opportunity for illegal activity.

    Read the rest…

  • Ms Christian, I appreciate your bringing up the matter of security, though I’m afraid that I did have to truncate your content. It’s not fair (or legal) to the Sun Sentinel to reproduce their whole story here, so I truncated it after the introduction and added a link to read the whole article on the paper’s website.

  • Brian D says:

    It didn’t seem to work for me last Friday. I had a strong signal on my Dell Axim, but no access. I was headed to the library also, and had no problems there.

    My browser never got to the license agreement.

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