Two Republicans Seeking Samuel Miller Nomination

Philip Melita and Duane Snow are both seeking the Republican nomination for the Samuel Miller seat on the Board of Supervisors, Brian Wheeler reports for Charlottesville Tomorrow. Melita is adjunct faculty teaching human resources at the university, and before that worked at GE Fanuc before his 1988 retirement. Snow, also retired, is the owner of the 97-year-old family-run Snow’s Garden Center, and used to serve on the Architectural Review Board. Democrat Madison Cummings and independent John Lowry are already in the race, so this will present a third choice for voters in the general election. The seat is open, a result of the retirement of incumbent independent Sally Thomas.

6 Responses to “Two Republicans Seeking Samuel Miller Nomination”

  • Cville Eye says:

    This is good news. Madison Cummings is campaigning as Sally Thomas’ clone.

  • Lonnie says:

    Madison may claim to follow Sally’s policies, but until he gets specific on what he thinks those policies were, especially as relates to growth, rural protection, and biodiversity then he does not have my vote. So far, he sounds more like Lindsey Dorrier than Sally Thomas.

    Rural protection can even happen in a way that supports land owners and individual rights, while reducing the size of government. In fact, if Duane Snow wants my vote, then I’d be more than happy to vote Republican if he (or Melita) can explain how his policy on growth and conservation will be better. While I’m generally not for single issue voting, this is the single most imporant issue in our district, and the county at large. The candidate that understands that best, is the one who should hold that seat.

    The water issues, affordable housing, the MCP, education and the local economy are all tied deeply into the rate and quality of growth in our area.

  • Big_Al says:

    Can we PLEASE get some people who are not past retirement age to run for this seat? Oh wait – now I see. They’re running as Republicans. It’s all they got these days. Maybe they can get Newt and Cheney to come in and help them out.

  • Cville Eye says:

    All of the candidates seem to be in the same age group to me. They’ll probably get Obama to campaign for them since he’s giving a lot of their friends billions.

  • perlogik says:

    Well since the democrat and independent are retired what’s you point Big Al? Who else has got the free time? They have a bunch of daytime meetings and you got to have your own business or be retired to be on there anyway.

    BTW Sally was retired as well

  • Cville Eye says:

    @perlogik, it’s just a way to set up a probably false association with the candidates with Cheney. Szakos won by riding on Obama’s coattails (heading up the local campaign qualifies a person more for planning a picnic than running a city), this is a way to have the candidate lose on the coattails.

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