Legislature Approves Regional Transit Authority

The General Assembly has authorized a Charlottesville/Albemarle transit authority, the Progress reports, and there’s no reason to think that the governor won’t sign that bill into law. Del. David Toscano’s HB2159 cleared both chambers with near-unanimous votes. But it’s not clear that it’ll do any good, what with the failure of HB2161—Del. Toscano’s bill to permit the city and the county to hold a referendum on creating a special tax to fund the authority. The bill was killed in a subcommittee on an unrecorded vote. With no funding, there’s really no purpose in establishing such an authority.

1 Response to “Legislature Approves Regional Transit Authority”

  • Cville Eye says:

    Before the county embark upon spending money on transit, it would be wise for it to canvas its neighborhoods to see if there is a significant number of people who would use the service. I wonder how many county residents or business owners have gone to the BoS and requested expanded bus service. All too often our local governments believe “If you build it, he will come,” then spend millions trying to convince the public to use it. Of course governments now seem to think that a major part of the functioning is to be social engineers.

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