Down Comes the Crane

The Crane over the Landmark Hotel is being dismantled this week as construction comes to a halt.  #

10 Responses to “Down Comes the Crane”

  • Hawkins Dale says:

    Ugh. I hate this. I want my frickin’ ROOFTOP BAR, goddammit.

  • Gman says:

    agreed Hawkins. Also, can they really “save” money by taking it down and putting it back up? That seems like an expensive way to save money. Kinda like “hey it’s on sale, the more I spend, the more I save”. Curious if anyone knows aprx numbers for per day being up and cost to put up / take down.

  • Meg says:

    The article in today’s Progress quoted Ric Barrick indicating that the construction crews were done with the crane anyway…”we view it as a normal part of the process because there is nothing [left] to pull up to that level.”

    Of course, that could mean “there’s nothing left, because construction has been halted anyway” but the Progress article just quoted Minor saying construction is “delayed.”

    Who knows. But one thing is certain, the crane coming down will delay traffic by forcing the closure of Water Street for a half hour Saturday morning. The hotel might never be built, but that doesn’t mean they can’t inconvenience us one last time anyway.

  • Jogger says:

    You can rest assured the city will come in and finish this project with taxpayer dollars when all else fails. It has been done in the past on a previous hotel project.

  • perlogik says:

    actually the city never finished a project just kept an already built one from going out of business.

  • Jogger says:

    Does anyone know the latest on the Urban Outfitters which is suppose to be coming to the downtown mall and what about the new whole foods store (looks like construction has completely stopped)?

  • U-Hoo says:

    I think the crane may be headed to the U.Va. Med Center. A new one is going up there over the weekend, closing Lee Street.

  • colfer says:

    Jogger, since you know the history, you know the city’s ability to issue that kind of bond ran out the month they used it. That’s why they rushed it in. Are you suggesting Cville has such clout with the Republicans in Richmond that it can get a special bill passed?

    And please tell us in detail all about the old Omni deal so you can get it out of your system. Then undoubtedly Republicanism will rise again in this town!

  • will says:

    Haven’t seen any evidence of dismantling yet. That’s gotta cost a lot.

  • James says:

    As of this morning, it looked like they were taking the crane down… by using an even taller crane. But how are they going to take THAT one down?!?!?

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