First Candidate Declares for Sheriff

Albemarle PD employee James E. Brown declared his candidacy for C’ville sheriff today.  #

2 Responses to “First Candidate Declares for Sheriff”

  • Getonthegoodfoot says:

    James Brown! I guess it is a “It’s a Man’s World” after all but he would be the hardest working sheriff in the law business. With the slogan of “Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m Proud””Please, Please, Please””Try me” for sheriff he could shoot right to the top of the candidate charts.

    All in all “I feel good” about it and wish James well and hope he
    “get’s on the good foot”.

  • Jogger says:

    Brown states that he will continue to run the sheriff’s office as current sheriff C. Johnson has, and would focus on getting residents involved, initiate youth programs, as well as work with police departments and sheriffs offices in the surrounding counties to provide more activities for area youth.
    Mr. Brown it seems to me that you would be more suited to try to become the new head of the city Parks and Recreation Department rather than running for sheriff.
    As sheriff if you provide court security, serve eviction notices and warrants then your plate will be quite full.

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